It is believed that nothing is better than dating a carbon copy of yourself. Although opposites attract, dating someone so similar to you can have its perks. These are the 20 things every couple can relate to when you and your SO are the same person.
After all, your hair is their hair, right?
You’re sick in bed? They’re already almost back from the store with meds and ramen.
Can we get that in an IV bag to go, please?
So you end up spending $100 at Teavana, when you only went in for samples.
He just has a more “manly” color.
Because they know that when you say you aren’t hungry, you actually want Chinese.
You know what they say.
Enough said.
And by same side I mean middle. Romantic? More like a fiery entanglement made with love.
Content? Yes. Pricey? Also yes.
At least one of you gets a fully charged phone.
You do everything together, so he might as well.
Plus they will never win and they have accepted that.
Or vice versa.
Sure it’s borderline rude, but you love each other regardless.
Made your S.O. feel bad? *sobs*
You look a little less crazy if there are two aggressively angry people, right?
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