5 Things Cal Poly Students Must Do This Holiday Season

Halloween is long gone and the holiday season is among us. San Luis Obispo is the perfect
place to embrace sweater weather (well, at least when it gets dark out and the 80 degree
whether is over) and spend quality time with your new Cal Poly family. Keep reading for 5 things all Cal Poly students must do this holiday season!
1. Friendsgiving Dinner!
Lets put your “adulting” skills to the test and see how well you can prepare grandma’s
Thanksgiving stuffing on your own. San Luis Obispo is our home away from home and
the friends that we constantly surround ourselves with have become our new family.
Show them how thankful you are for having them in your live and host a Thanksgiving
themed potluck. What’s better than eating good food and sharing laughs with the people
you love? Besides, you’ll be proud that you and your friends were able to pull off your
own rendition of Thanksgiving.
2. Cozy up with a nice, warm drink from SLO’s local coffee shops.
Although you can never predict what the whether in San Luis Obispo is going to be like,
there are those chilly, grey days that call for a coffee shop date with a friend or with your
favorite book. Scout Coffee on Foothill Blvd or on Garden street downtown definitely
seems to be a fan favorite. It’s cozy, vintage atmosphere and old school music is relaxing
and comforting. The coffee shop also has a variety of drinks from hot chocolate to honey
tea bowls (a personal favorite) that are sure to get you in to the holiday spirit.
3. It’s never too early for Christmas music, no matter what they say.
So what if we’re only two weeks into November? Real enthusiasts start early. Making a
holiday playlist with your friends and blasting it in your car or outside of the UU when
need be can really take the edge off. Especially considering many of us are still taking
midterms and finals are just around the corner. Singing these iconic tunes will reduce
stress, make you happy, and have you counting down the days on your calendar. Don’t
forget to add Mariah to your playlist!
4. Secret Santa! Because let’s face it, we’re broke college kids.
You want to get your group of friends amazing Christmas gifts but your bank account is
saying no to $20-$30 per person. Get your group of friends together so that you are each
assigned one member of the group to get a gift for. This way you are able buy one gift
that you’ll be able to put some thought into without spending all of the money you have
left for grocery’s this quarter. I recommend going to T.J. Maxx by Madonna or looking at
the sales section at stores like Urban Outfitters downtown. During the gift exchange,
why not have a screening of ELF while enjoying some hot chocolate with your closest
5. End the quarter right with San Luis Obispo’s Annual Holiday Parade.
By this time, Thanksgiving will be over and ’tis will really be the season. On Friday,
December 2nd, Downtown San Luis Obispo will be holding its 41st Annual Holiday
Parade at 7pm. This friendly, spirited environment is just what we college kids need
right before dead week and finals. This is a great way to end the stressful quarter with other Cal Poly students and go back home for the holidays feeling more spirited than ever.