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8 Things Any Cyclone Should Check Out At Iowa State Before Graduation

8 Things Any Cyclone Should Check Out At Iowa State Before Graduation

Iowa State holds many things to do for any student. It is no wonder students can feel overwhelmed when deciding what they want to do outside of class. But don’t worry! Here are 8 things any cyclone should check out at Iowa State before they graduate.

1. Go to a Cy-Hawk Football game

Iowa State has a long-standing rivalry with the University of Iowa. It’s one of the most anticipated sporting events in any sport across the state of Iowa. We even have our own Cy-Hawk trophy that the winning team keeps until next year. 

Any game at Jack Trice Stadium on Iowa State’s campus is hyped but no other game’s energy compares to a Cyclone vs. Hawkeye match up. You can feel it in the air. It seems like the crowd cheers louder and plays are more intense.


Definitely a must if sports are your thing…or even if you just like supporting your school.

2. Attending a Concert at the M-Shop

If sports aren’t your thing and music is, then do we have the thing for you! The student union board lines up a great variety of live music all year long.


The M-Shop, or the Maintenance Shop, is located in the Memorial Union (MU) on the west side ground floor. Even if it isn’t always home to live concerts, it also houses a variety of performances, be it comedy, theatre, or live music. 

During the 2017-2018 school year, Iowa State’s Student Union Board lined up the singer Lauv to play at the M-Shop. But if pop isn’t your jam, they also try to line up other genres of music. For example, they had live jazz music one year and will host Whitacre, a mountain folk/ rock band, later this year.


3. Campaniling 

This is a long-standing tradition at Iowa State. It gets its name from the famous Iowa State landmark, The Campanile. Inside the Campanile are bells and they toll every hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes. It is even said that no one is officially an Iowa State student until they are kissed under the Campanile as the midnight bells ring. 

You can take part in this tradition every Homecoming during Mass Campaniling, for this event; it doesn’t matter if you’re single or in a relationship. Come one, come all! 


However, you can do this any night at midnight during the bells if you would rather not be surrounded by hundreds of people.

4. Hilton Magic

Hilton Colosseum is home to a variety of sports including gymnastics, volleyball, wrestling, and of course basketball. Men’s basketball is one of the most, if not the most, attended sporting events at Iowa State. It’s where Hilton Magic was born. Home to the most loyal and passionate fans, Hilton Magic brings about unexpected victories.


Not one seat is empty during a home men’s basketball game. You can barely hear yourself think—it’s unreal. To visiting teams, it can be overwhelming with all the chaos our loyal Cyclone students and fans bring to the colosseum. Don’t underestimate Hilton Magic. 

It doesn’t stop with men’s basketball, either, even though it’s where it originated. Please do yourself a favor and experience Hilton Magic even if it’s just for one game.


5. Tailgating

If you are going to go to a home football game experience, then go tailgating!

If you aren’t familiar with tailgating, it happens before a football game. Fans attending — and not attending — get together to eat and drink and hang out and have a good time before heading in to watch the game. I know it might sound a little boring to some people, but trust me, with the right group it’s one of the best times you can have. Want a picture with Cy the mascot? He’ll be around. 


Show your school pride but repping the cardinal and gold this football season!

6. Midnight Pancakes and Homecoming Fireworks

During Homecoming week, there is always something happening on Iowa State’s campus. Midnight pancakes and fireworks is one of the events that are open to anyone on campus and off no matter the age. Did you go to Iowa State but now live out of town? Come back and celebrate Homecoming week!

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Catch a flying pancake if you can. For real, they throw pancakes at you and you catch them with your plate. Don’t worry if you drop one they’ll give you a replacement. Pancakes are $3 and fireworks are free. 

Fireworks start at midnight and is a great show with great seats! It all happens on Central Campus so bring a blanket, your friends, and an appetite! Also, money, because the pancakes aren’t free…


7. Intramural Sports

Are you ready to put to work all the points you learned about watching sports on tv? Then try intramural sports. Iowa State has a wide range of intramural sports from badminton to basketball. 


If your team has the skill to win the bracket, you can win the coveted intramural t-shirt. But for real, those shirts are some of the most prized possessions on campus.

You want to play as part of a team? Duo? Well, we have a sport for you. You want to do individual sports? We have that for you too. You don’t have to be good at sports to enter either. Intramural sports are for anyone. So what are you waiting for? Grab your friends and sign up!


8. Hanging Out in Central Campus

Iowa State has one of the most beautiful campuses across the nation so why not take in the views. Central Campus is one of the most popular places on campus. Whether you are lounging around reading for class, hanging out with friends, relaxing in a hammock, or throwing around a frisbee. Central Campus is a hot place to be. 

Even in the winter, when it’s too cold to do any of the things just mentioned. Try building a snowman with your buddies. If you have a pet bring them out to play! There plenty of stressed college students that would love to play with your dog.


What are you excited to check out at Iowa State? Comment below!

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