Standing at 5’8’’, I’m pretty tall. And rest assured it’s been pointed out enough times so that I never forget I’m tall! If you’re a tall girl out there living life, chances are you’ve had at least one comment or incident that’s related to your above average height. So for all the tall ladies, here are eight things all tall girls can relate to.
You don’t say? Tall girls are quite aware of their height so having it specifically pointed out to them every time they meet someone new or having it become their defining feature can get pretty annoying. I want to be known for other things too, and not just as “the tall girl”.
I might have remained the same height for years, and yet when I meet someone for the first time in a while, I’m always asked if I’ve grown taller. Those talkative aunts and uncles I might at a family gathering once every few years seem to think I never stop growing, though I’m well into my 20s and probably haven’t had a growth spurt in a few years.
“Have you tried playing basketball? You’re tall, so I bet you’d be great at it!” No! I’m a clumsy girl with no skill in sports. Being tall doesn’t automatically make you great at volleyball or basketball. Apparently, height isn’t the only skill set required, that’s news to me (no it really isn’t!).
High heels aren’t a necessity if you’re tall, but maybe I want to rock out a pair of heels when I’m in the mood for it. No, I don’t need them, but I might still want to wear them casually. So why not?
Now there’s nothing wrong with dating someone shorter than you. But I’m personally quite conventional that way, and so I want the person I’m with to be taller than me. Finding a tall guy/girl- if that’s your type – is quite the task for us tall girls. You often end up being either the same height or taller than them. If you do manage to find someone taller than you it’s like you’ve won, the lottery!
I once met with a friend who told me she saw my boobs before she saw my face. As a tall girl, with comparatively shorter friends, I quite often have my boobs hugged. Admittedly this is probably more uncomfortable for the friend who is on the receiving end of a face full of chest than it is for me.
I live far away from home. The halfway across the world type of far. So I take a lot of flights to visit my family. Ten hours cramped in an airplane seat with snoring co-passengers and crying babies is fun for no one. Add gangly legs to that equation and you have the recipe for a very uncomfortable and painful disaster.
“Can you reach the top shelf for me?”. I am my family’s human step ladder, often relegated to reaching all the high places in the house that no one else can reach. Need a suitcase that’s high up, tall girl to the rescue! I guess being able to reach those high places you can’t reach is every tall girl’s super power.
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