Family Life

10 Things All Daughters Want Their Mothers To Know

Let’s face it, sometimes we don’t want to admit when our mothers are right. But in the end, they are pretty much always going to know best! Read on for 10 things all daughters want their mothers to know.

1. You know more about us than anyone else.

Whether we’re together or not, you know everything. Your ability to know when we’re sad, happy, sick, or excited makes us feel like someone is always there for us. Some of our darkest secrets are told to only you because we know that regardless of what we did, you will love us unconditionally and be there to pick up the pieces when we break down.

2. If we tell you something, that doesn’t mean tell Dad.

We know you’re married and love each other, but what I tell you doesn’t need to be told to my dad. Sometimes when we talk to you, we act as though we’re talking to a friend because of how comfortable we are and how safe we feel, but I would never want to tell my dad about a new guy I met or ask him for brutal honesty about my outfit.

3. We take your clothes when you’re not home.

Some of the nicest items of clothing we’ve ever seen are sitting in your closet and it’s hard to resist, especially when you’re not home. We can’t afford Vince or Ralph Lauren right now, so it’s nice that you enjoy shopping just as much as we do.

4. Some of our best traits come from you.

We like to think that we’re independent and our own person, but we know that our sense of humor, contagious laugh and intelligence comes from you. We’ve all been blessed to follow your foot steps for our entire lives, and from that we’ve picked up some of the most amazing characteristics. We will never admit it, but in the long run we know that we owe you a long thank you note.

5. You always know what to say.

When the tears don’t stop, we hear your voice and they’re gone. You have a way with words that makes us feel as though we can conquer the world and that what we did wasn’t so bad after all, and that it’s just life. We know that regardless of the situation, it’s always going to be okay because you’re there to talk us through it.

6. It’s the best compliment when someone tells us we look like you.

It couldn’t be more flattering than when someone says, “you look just like your mom.” Ever since we were little girls, sitting on the counter watching you do your make up in the mirror, we’ve been mesmerized by your intense beauty. In our eyes, daughters want their mothers to know that to us, you’re the most beautiful woman we’ve ever seen and to be compared to you is a blessing.

7. You were right when you said I needed a jacket.

You’re always right. And next time, just tell me to shut up.

See Also

8. You’re the most helpful person we’ve ever met.

Whether it’s with homework, friend or boy advice or what prom dress I should wear, your brutal honesty and endless support is what makes us strive. We don’t deserve all the love we get from you and we don’t tell you enough how thankful and grateful we are to have you in our lives, so thank you.

9. Sometimes we’re blown away by the fact you’re our mom.

Physically, mentally, and emotionally, you’re the best person on this planet. Considering what you do for us every day since the day we were born, we’re shocked by the fact that we are related. Some of us couldn’t even imagine becoming mothers because now since we have such high expectations.

10. You’re our best friend.

Do I need to say more?

What is something else you think all daughters want their mothers to know? Tell us in the comments below!
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