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15 Things All College Biracial Students Can Relate To

15 Things All College Biracial Students Can Relate To

All biracial students can relate to these 15 things. If you are biracial you are fortune enough to experience multiple cultures. Being biracial is beautiful

Being a biracial women in today’s society is thankfully easier than it must have been in the past. However, there are tons of identity struggles that I go through everyday as a half-filipina, half-white college student. Here are some of the things that all college biracial students relate to.

1. You feel blessed to experience two different cultures.

From eating cornbread and grits and watching football games while all the men sit on the couch and drink beers in the American south to eating shrimp, pansit, and rice while my grandma speaks to my aunts in another language; I get the best of both worlds.

2. You get asked “so what are you?”

Good guess but I’m not X, Y and Z.

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3. People say when I first met you I thought you were a different race.

4. You wish people could tell what your racial background was without telling them.

5. You’re proud of your racial background.

6. Sometimes you think it might be easier to be mono-racial so you don’t have to go through everyday identity struggles.

7. You aren’t sure which race you identify the most with.

8. You either look too white or too Asian to fit into just one racial group.

9. You can understand TWO languages.

10. You are more liberal in your ideals about race.

With two different racial backgrounds, you can understand where both sides of the racial arguments are coming from whether it’s the argument of the majority or the minority.

11. You wish people were aware of the prevalence of mixed race individuals in today’s society.

12. Sometimes you pick and choose which group you are going to identify with most for the day.

13. You’re proud of the things that interracial couples have accomplished to pave way for children like you such as the Loving v. VA case.

14. You have the best time with both sides of your family.

15. You’re happy that you grew up in a mixed cultural background because it has made you the person you are today.

What other things are beautiful about  biracial students ! Drop us a line!!
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