Greek Life

10 Things Active Members Take For Granted While In A Sorority

Most people wouldn’t think that Sorority woman take anything for granted in their organization because they have everything they ever needed: their perfect big/little, a personal chef, or even a list of every guy’s number in that specific fraternity that you love. Well little do they know that I have a list of ten things that active members at Arizona State University take for granted while in their sorority.

1. Time Flies Fast in College

Graduating and wondering how I will survive without my sisters everyday in the real world? Finishing up your freshman, sophomore, or junior year and thinking how will I make it out alive? Do not worry, these past couple years of chapter meetings every Monday night have helped train you for the “real world” such as chugging a red bull before you start your homework when you are back from chapter or scheduling enough room for a nap in-between your Communications Class and JCMT meeting.

2. You are NEVER alone

Maybe you don’t click with your big or little like other sisters in your sorority, but do not fear because you are never alone. You always have someone there for you whether you want to get In-N-Out or need a sister to vent about “the greatest fraternity boy” who broke your heart. There are always way to make more connections such as going to events like Intramurals, Greek Week, Homecoming or Fraternity Philos.

3. Options!!!

You can’t find a good salon to get a trim? Run out of options for Chinese take-out places? Just broke a nail before recruitment and need a quick fix? Well don’t you worry, just simply scroll over to your sororities Facebook page to find out the best places in your local college town. You are never denied options when asking your sisters, they have the best and random places for you, either high end or sketchy five dollar breakfast burritos.

4. Getting to live with your sisters

This is probably the one that is taken for granted the most, before you know it you will be all grown up and have to live with a smelly boy who does not know how to do his laundry and leaves his dirty plates around the house. Be appreciative of the roommates you have had who clean up after themselves and always make their bed in the morning even when they are already ten minutes late to class.

5. Excessive Room Decor

Is your room full of anchors, arrows, turtles, or kites? Well if it isn’t then you are even in a s’rat? When you join a sorority, you do not only join an organization full of empowering woman but you join a family of woman who love to craft and love to decorate their rooms full of their sorority symbols. This is the only acceptable time you can have anchor sheets, an anchor door mat, anchor decor and more without getting judged because everyone else in your chapter has the same stuff.

6. Second Family

You have your bid, a million shirts with your new letters on them, so what is next? Oh yes, finding your BIG! You may start to feel overwhelmed by the new two hundred sisters you just got a month ago and feel like it is hard to make friends but getting the perfect family is the next best thing to being in a sorority. You do not realize how important it is to have someone there for you especially during the first year of college when everything feels so new and scary. Always take advantage of having that other half of you to lean on because they will be there for you during thick and thin.

7. What’s it like to be a GDI?

GDI also known as Gamma Delta Iota, the newest sorority. Oh wait no, it means God Damn Independent! Everyone’s worst fear when going through recruitment is not getting their top house and becoming a GDI on Bid Day. But, being in a sorority actually gets you more connections to the outside world for future jobs because of alumni groups.

8. Instagram Likes

You receive your bid on Bid Day but also receive two hundred new Instagram followers as well but actually it only goes up from here. You were probably one getting one hundred to two hundred likes in high school but now that you joined your S’RAT, you are getting four hundred likes plus all those fraternity boys who your big introduced you to.

See Also

9. Social Standards or Bad Cop?

VP of Risk Management or Social Standards can be your best friend or your worst enemy so make sure you do not get on her bad list. You never truly realize how beneficial she is to the chapter until she is the first person you call when you fall  off the elevated surface at a fraternity party. Remember to have her on speed dial!

10. “It’s Not Four Years, It’s For Life”

Basically every sorority woman during recruitment says these seven words to recruit potential new members and then you are stuck with this slogan forever. Whether you are rocking those pants with anchors on them or have turtle decorations around your house, your letters stick with you and define who you are to the world. They represent where you came from whether you are a legacy or the first to ‘Go Greek!’; you are the past, present and future of your sorority.

Share this story with the ladies from your sorority to make sure they don’t take anything for granted!

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own!

Featured Image: Instagram

Kendall Moran

I am a current freshman at Arizona State University studying Communications. I am also in a s'rat aka Delta Gamma.

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