10 Things A Woman Just Can’t Live Without

Well, most woman would agree that there are more than just 10 things we can’t live without, and while the list would vary from woman to woman, there are few things that we would all agree with, or at least I think. Let’s have a look.
1. Love and Respect
Who doesn’t want to be treated with love and respect in their lives and women are no different. In today’s generation women no longer are afraid of demanding the respect they deserve be it at the workplace, home or in society for that matter. Women are capable of overcoming every hurdle and achieving every dream, so why should they not be treated with respect and love. All a woman wants is love and appreciation, if that keeps coming her way then she probably would be the happiest in the world. In a recent survey done by a radio station, the poll they did said that the top thing which a women can’t live without is Kindness, which falls into Love and Respect.
2. Family
Family is of utmost importance to every woman be it married or unmarried. It is a source of strength and security. I knew I could always rely on my family for any advice or help when I needed and they had me when they needed me, it does not mean I am dependent on my family it just means that we know we got each other’s back
3. Social Interaction
Women are known to be more talkative and engaging in comparison to the other gender and would definitely not last very long without having any social interaction and it is not just me saying this, I know a lot of my girlies who would vouch for it. I would always head to my local library every weekend and to my surprise, I would meet so many people from different walks of life and hear their stories, it is so entertaining I must say.
4. Basic Makeup Kit
While some of us love our makeup, there are some who don’t. But every woman has a few basic makeup essentials they all own like lipsticks, face powder, kajal, etc. We as women have different styles, some of us like a glammed up look and some like a simple look but that is just the way we are.
5. Sanitary Pads
Sounds kinda obvious, but it is a fact we just can’t do without them even if we wanted to. Well, now there are so many other things that you can use when menstruating like tampons, menstrual cups, etc the sanitary pads are very convenient and affordable too.
6. Dishwasher
Though it is not only a woman’s job to do the dishes, in most parts of the world it sadly is. Though I have my husband to do the wishes I still need a dishwasher as I don’t need to wait for him to do it and it is much quicker and hassle-free, making my life so much simpler.
7. Phone
You can take away her food, her jewelry, shoes but you cannot keep her away from her phone. That is a major source to keep her connected to the outside world and family. For most women who have a busy schedule, it is also a source of entertainment where they can watch movies or their favorite programs on the go.
8. Sweets and Chocolates
Women have a special relationship with chocolates and sweets, they cannot live without them and are usually the first thing they crave for. We are always happy to receive chocolates in any form and I have not seen many who would refuse them.
9. Money
Nobody can live without money, and obviously, women just can’t live without it. We like to be financially secure and be able to afford all our basic needs. We also like to save some of our money for a rainy day just in case.
10. Cup of Coffee
To give a kickstart to the day we need that cup of coffee, to boost our energy levels and concentration. Coffee also helps us stay sane and get through all the madness the day has to unfold especially when you have kids.