These Travel Tips From Gigi Hadid Are All You Need To Make Your Next Vacation Absolutely Perfect

Traveling is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have, but finding the right travel tips to make your trip go smoothly isn’t always easy. Figuring out what to bring and how you’re going to fit it all into a carry-on (because who wants to pay baggage fees?!) is only half the battle.
These travel tips come straight from world-renowned supermodel Gigi Hadid, so you know she won’t steer you wrong! Whether you’re heading to Europe to sweat it out on a nude beach, or just visiting a friend in a different state, look no further than this list for everything you need to have a good time.
Open Yourself Up To New Cultures
This is one of the most important aspects of traveling, but sometimes it’s the scariest thing you can do. You might feel uncomfortable with how unfamiliar everything is in a new culture. Trying to find your way in a different language is a huge challenge for anyone. Let yourself get lost in new experiences, and you’ll gain so much knowledge about yourself as well as whatever country you’re exploring.
Traveling isn’t just an opportunity to see new things, it’s an opportunity to grow. Gigi says to stay curious and see where the adventure takes you. You won’t regret it, I promise!
Pack Light
It’s best to fit everything you need in a carry-on. Checking your bags means you risk them getting lost, or having something stolen. Plus, you’ll be less overwhelmed at the airport because you can just breeze through security. Bring pieces that are super versatile so you can mix and match with ease.
Next time you’re packing lay out everything you want to bring, then cut that in half. This way you’ll spend less time deciding what to wear and more time adventuring! You won’t regret utilizing this travel tip for your next flight.
Keep The Makeup Minimal
Who wants to spend an hour getting ready when you have a full itinerary? Keeping your beauty routine as minimalist as you can will save you a lot of time in the morning, and it will save space in your luggage. Sunblock is the most important thing you can bring, and maybe a little concealer to touch up red spots. Gigi also recommends a red lipstick and eyebrow pencil for the nights you want to look fancy.
Let Your Skin Breathe In Flight
Let’s face it– flying clogs everyone’s pores, no matter how famous you are. Keep your face fresh and clean when flying to prevent pimples from ruining your trip, and don’t forget moisturizer! Gigi likes to bring makeup wipes to get rid of any traces of makeup, or cleanse with micellar water. Your skin will thank you later!
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
The air in planes is incredibly dry, so it will completely deplete any moisture in your body. A water bottle will be your best friend, just don’t bring a full one through security! There are water fountains in any airport, so fill up before you get on the plane and remember to drink A LOT, even if you don’t feel thirsty. This travel tip will save you from bloating, and help make you look less tired.
Don’t Forget To Stretch!
I know from personal experience that flying can wear you out. As soon as you get to your hotel stretch out your arms and legs so you won’t feel sore the next day from frantically running around the airport. It will keep you flexible and ready for whatever the next day has in store for you! It also gives you the chance to unwind from the day and get rid of unwanted stress.