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These TikTok Accounts Will Make You Laugh Until You Cry

These TikTok Accounts Will Make You Laugh Until You Cry

After massive amounts of stress in my life, I have found that there is no better way to unwind at home than binging some TikTok videos. Some are strange, some are trendy, some will make really make you think. Many, though, will make your stomach ache from cackling. Those are the best kind of videos to watch to pass the time.

If you’re looking for something to make you laugh until you cry, here are some of my personal favorite TikTok accounts.



There is no sweeter mother and son duo than Olly and Mama LuLu. They are Filipino and most of the humor comes from the LuLu’s lack of understanding when it comes to pop culture. Her unconditional support of her gay son is incorporated with many of his LGBTQ references in his videos and she lovingly plays along. If you haven’t seen the TikTok account video of Mama LuLu talking in her sleep, or the videos of her identifying mainstream artists, stop everything and watch.


Nobody has better transitions in their TikTok accounts than Maliik. From the wildest storytimes to the tiny pink plastic purse they tend to carry, this is an over-the-top account that will have you hollering. One of my favorite videos is the recount of how Maliik was mistakenly labeled as “Milky” on their Starbucks order. Also, there’s major comedy with the big switch-up between Maliik being themself versus Maliik playing a straight heterosexual man. It’s hilarious, “you know what I mean?”



Poor Tony. One of the craziest TikTok accounts, you can’t help but sympathize with him after all the skits he has created of the “toxic girlfriend.” With just a blonde wig, he switches quickly between being “Tony” and being “Jessica.” The back and forth banter makes for comedy gold. The clever twists that come from “Jessica” will make you wish you were friends with her every time she talks about following “Tony” when he goes out with his friends.



Speaking of wigs, this Tony has some of the best compared to other TikTok accounts. From elevated blonde wigs to long dark hair, Tony switches up characters at the drop of a hat. There’s a unique fake giggle in all the videos that will bring a smile to your face. You’ll also get a kick out of the loud click-clacking of Tony’s heels throughout. The customer service parodies will have you on the floor with witty insults from the most ridiculous situations. My personal favorite is the flight attendant skit.


There is a gay couple that is taking over all social media platforms and TikTok accounts–Chris Olsen and his partner Ian Paget. They are the most adorable influencers on the face of the planet. Their relationship is playful and most of their videos consist of Chris’s recordings of Ian’s extremely long and popular rants. Often filled with insane bouts of wisdom, Ian’s long-winded speeches are a treat to witness. Chris’s loving support makes for relationship goals. Also, they make great prank videos.



This is one of the funniest TikTok accounts, to say the least. The portrayal of a single mother and three sons, all played by the same influencer, makes for a fun dynamic among each character. The mother is strict and sometimes petty, but she always knows what’s best for her sons. The older two sons, Savon and Brian, are always making trouble for themselves, which is sometimes amplified by the clever youngest son, Kyrie. These TikTok videos will have you cry laughing.



Katie Florence has invented the best commentary for women in her TikTok videos through her “kouncil” skits. The videos consist of characters that embody attributes like “Brain,” “Logic,” “Heart,” and more. Their conversations in their circle are relatable when it comes to relationships or dealing with anxiety. You’ll notice a pattern when it comes to my favorite TikTok accounts because most of them involve one influencer playing multiple characters. This is the best example of this.

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If you’re looking for the most fabulous of TikTok accounts, check out Manuel Santos. They are a nonbinary influencer who makes hilarious videos that showcase Manuel’s confidence. Manuel is unafraid to strut the streets in their latest couture outfits. The first video that got me hooked is a TikTok of Manuel’s freshly washed hair being bounced and flaunted all over my phone screen. It was a treat to see someone so sure of themselves without any restrictions or self-doubt through humor.


Of course, for these TikTok accounts, I had to add everyone’s favorite Target-shopping mom impersonator on my list. Zachariah does this imitation that borders between a Jersey mom and Tina Belcher from Bob’s Burgers. I’ve spent so much time rewatching his videos to learn the voice he makes. The fact that Zachariah consistently finds joy in the smallest things, like iced coffee, just brings wholesome humor to another level. “Oh my gawd,” we are blessed to have his videos.



There’s a huge trend with TikTok accounts where people use the green screen to insert their eyes and mouth onto an object or a character. Nobody does this trend better than comedian Danny Murphy. Some of Danny’s best videos include talking alcoholic beverages that usually encourage bad behavior from the drinker. He’s hilarious and relatable to all young adults, and if you haven’t seen his “talking Ariana Grande ponytail” video, you, my friends, are missing out.



Speaking of impressions, the greatest Kourtney Kardashian impersonator, Andrea Lopez, is a must-have for this list of TikTok videos. Her skits involving her roasts of Kim Kardashian as Kourtney will have you doubled over in pain from a severe giggle fit. One of my favorites involves “Kourtney” going on a hike and recording her observations around her. Andrea is also talented for her ability to do other impersonations like Kristin Cavallari, Caitlyn Jenner, Sofia Vergara, and more. Check her out!

Do you have any TikTok accounts that you’re obsessed with? Which ones have made you laugh the most from this list? Let me know in the comments down below!

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