These Are Your Worst Habits Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Your zodiac sign can say a lot about you. Though I’m not saying they should define every course of your life, they do provide some sort of explanation as to who you are and what drives you to be who you are. Some people have a preferred religion, some listen to Mother Earth, others, like me, look into the stars. Whenever I do, I think “Huh, that makes sense,” and shrug it off. Astrology has its way of showcasing the good parts of you, and also, the not so good parts.
Important to know is your sun, moon, and ascending signs. Your sun sign is your identity, and it represents the type of energy you desire to fully express who you are. Your moon sign is your emotional side and how you understand your inner world. Your ascending, or rising, sign is your social side, how you approach life.
Some have messier habits than others, but these are the worst habits for every zodiac sign, as written by a Pisces (sun), Taurus (moon), Gemini (ascending).
1. Aries
Starting at the baby of the zodiacs, Aries is really bad at concealing their feelings, and they look too much into the “big picture”. The cardinal fire sign is like a spark when they get worked up, once they’re lit they come in hot, though they are quick to die down. They tend to act without thinking, and this is probably expressed because they’re nervous or distressed. They don’t mean to come off as mean, but other signs might take it a different way.
2. Taurus
You remember that saying “Don’t mess with the bull, or you’ll get the horns?” Yeah. Although they are hard-footed and tenacious, they can be really angry when provoked. They will argue with you to the death, just to make sure they get their point across. They don’t care if they’re right or wrong. And any zodiac nerd knows that this fixed earth sign can be very stubborn and possessive, and rather troublesome when it comes to the unknown.
3. Gemini
Represented by the twins, this mutable air sign is like electricity. They feed off of a buzz, which can translate to them talking a lot of game but not following through to what they say. They can’t handle being ignored or being shown some kind of disapproval, which shadows to them posting a lot on social media, maybe a little too much.
4. Cancer
As the cardinal water sign in the cycle, it is hard for them to get others to understand what they want without keeping their emotions in check. They are ruled by the moon, which means their mood can vary with the changing shifts. Some can keep in touch with themselves when they’re in a mood. Others don’t know how to manage it, so they take it out on other people.
5. Leo
You’ll want to make way for this fixed fire sign. Leos are like the sun, the biggest star in the sky. Their dominance can come off to other signs as arrogance and entitlement. But, the absolute worst habit for a Leo is them wanting to be the center of attention. It’s why some signs can never take them to a party because they’d end up ditching them to dance on that table over there. Just to make their presence known.
6. Virgo
This next sign is earth mutable, sort of like clay. They live life molded a definitive way, which can make them a lot more stubborn and easily frustrated if even one little thing is out of order. Everything has to be done a certain way, which can make them a little more controlling, and, like Taurus, they will argue with you to the death. Not just to get their point across, but to make sure you know they’re right. This also shadows to Virgos being their own worst critic and their tendency to obsess over their flaws and overthink a little more than they should.
7. Libra
Libra’s are a cardinal air sign, they’re like the moving wind. They can be very indecisive, detached and unemotional. Libras can sometimes forget about inner beauty while focusing on outer beauty. They often surround themselves with conflict of their own making. They just want to be loved, but they seem to not have the word “no” in their vocabulary. This can make them a little dishonest.
8. Scorpio
This fixed water sign is like ice. While other signs can see the gray in a given situation, Scorpios are ones to see in black or white. There’s no in-between, and it’s really hard to change their minds. They want honesty, but the space they provide for that can come off as a little intense to some of the other signs.
9. Sagittarius
This mutable fire sign is generally all over the place. They’re inconsistent, inflexible, and are more focused on the future outcome rather than focusing on the present. They like to have fun, but sometimes they can go a little too hard. They can definitely annoy their friends with their sleeping schedule, sleeping until noon and being too exhausted to be around.
10. Capricorn
Capricorns are the cardinal earth sign, which represents the mountains, which echo the size of their egos. They’re very stubborn, competitive, and they think they’re better than everyone else. The worst one of all is they have a distinct feeling of sadness/moodiness, and they let fear stop them from trying new things.
11. Aquarius
This air fixed sign strives for the ideal paradise, and that’s the idea that sticks in their head. This can have them come across as a little delusional, they try to make people believe in things like how generally better they are than other signs. Their mind is going so fast, they don’t know how to react and can come off as a little controlling.
12. Pisces
This mutable water sign is like the ocean, with its fluidity and adaptability. And I can vouch on this one, Pisces tend to get lost in their own world. They can zone out on other people, which they don’t mean it to be rude. They just had a creative outburst that they didn’t know how to maintain that with the social situation. They want to be heard and can be very emotional about it too.