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These Are Lunchboxes That Every Adult Needs

These Are Lunchboxes That Every Adult Needs

As a kid, don’t you remember bringing your food to school in a creatively themed compartment? All the others would stare or compliment how awesome you were. It was the best feeling in the world.

However, if you were me, you were probably the kid that either ate lunch at school or sported a brown paper bag for your food. Even worse, you probably used a plastic grocery store bag. Regardless if you were me or the cool kid, it is never too late to bring your food to work or on campus in style.

These are lunchboxes that every adult needs.


Faux Paper Lunch Bags

If I were a kid living in this day and age, I would have taken more pride in my paper sack lunches. Nowadays, faux paper lunch bags are becoming extremely popular as adult lunchboxes. It’s being seen as “vintage,” which is a term used loosely to make old things seem new again with trends. Surprisingly, many look really hip. Some come with typewriter font messages on them, and others contain creases that make it look very similar to an actual brown paper bag.

Personally, my new favorite faux paper lunch bags are the ones that contain straps and buckles on them. It’s a twist that makes the old-fashioned fashionable. If you’re opting for a plain brown bag that doesn’t rip, there are also many lunchboxes that are made of durable material that look exactly like a plain brown bag. You can’t go wrong with any of these.


Bento Boxes

These Japanese compartments are becoming hugely popular lunchboxes here in the states. Many people love them because they serve all of the functions of Tupperware containers without ugliness. Bento Boxes are great for keeping food separated and organized for storage. There are many chic designs and they’re easy to pack away or store in the refrigerator because of their design.

When it comes to the stacking of the compartments, there are also many designs in this realm as well. Some of them connect on the sides, while others stack on top of one another. The best ones, in my opinion, are the ones that stack in a cylinder method to give the appearance of a cup shape, which makes it much easier to carry around like a thermos.


Tote Bags

The adorable thing about these lunchboxes is that they can look similar to handbags or purses used in everyday life. If you’re not trying to stand out too much with something bold and out there, you can opt for something chic like a tote. They are fashionable and still contain the insulation and functions of an ordinary lunchbox. Consider getting a variety of neutral colors to even match your outfits.


Waxed Bags

Similar to the faux paper bag, waxed bags are also making a come up. The wax actually keeps the food fresh within, so it’s a sustainable option for storing meals. It also has a super cool texture that gives it a “pleather” look. Waxed bags are durable, so they can last for a good minute. If you’re looking for something a little edgy as a lunchbox, the waxed bags come in a variety of neutral colors that will be sure to fit your vibe.

Waxed bags are also good for the environment compared to their plastic alternatives. There are also many organizations that sell waxed bags as proceeds for preserving the environment for bees and providing them with protection.


Lunch Pots

Another fantastic invention that is trending is the lunch pot, which is now replacing lunchboxes for soups, stews, and liquids. Basically, for anything that doesn’t exactly fit or stay warm or cold enough in a Tupperware container, this lunch pot is for you.

If you’ve got hot soup for lunch, but you don’t want to microwave it after it goes cold, this is great to have handy. It will keep it at a consistent temperature for hours. It’s also easier to store than a bulky bowl, and they look more stylish than a thermos cup.

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Cross-Body Bags

Like the totes, cross-body bags are also making waves for those who don’t want people to think their lunchboxes look like “lunchboxes,” if that makes sense. Cross-body bags, even for men, are becoming a fashion staple. Many designers have been hard at work creating new designs that give them the appearance of handbags.

Additionally, carrying them is easier than dragging around a bulky sack of food. It leaves your hands free to carry other things or nothing at all. You’ll look good with this for a lunchbox. 


Tin Lunchboxes

Contrary to what many people believe, the adorable tin lunchboxes that used to be popular when we were kids are still just as chic to have as an adult. If you check out stores like Etsy and even visiting local antique stores, you can find some vintage ones that would look stellar for you to bring to work without crossing over into cheesy territory.

Just like I mentioned with the faux paper bags, anything considered “old” is making a comeback as a fashion staple. Tin lunchboxes aren’t the best to store food that needs to be kept cool, but they’re definitely great for snacks or things you might find in the pantry.


Sports Lovers

If you’re not into the cute, frilly, vintage, and stylish options I’ve mentioned above, perhaps you’re someone who settles with something a little more simple. There’s totally nothing wrong with that. If you’re a sports fan, you’ll find that more and more merchandise is now including lunchboxes that contain logos of your favorite team.

This is great because it can actually be a conversation starter with those around you that might also be into sports without you having to bring it up first. If you have a dress code at work that prevents you from sporting your favorite jersey, turn to your new favorite lunchboxes instead.


What sorts of lunchboxes have you been using? Do any of these catch your attention? Leave a comment and let me know!

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