Living in a dorm has its up and downs. And more often than not, there are more downs than ups, especially during your freshman year! Here are the 10 worst things about living in dorm rooms that you will definitely be able to relate to.
After you’ve gotten the energy to get out of bed and walk to the basement to do your laundry, you might find that all the washers are taken. All you can do is walk right back up too many flights of stairs with your heavy laundry bag that has two weeks worth of laundry in it. Even worse than no washers is when there are no dryers!!!! What are you suppose to do with a bunch of wet clothing? All I can say is good luck!!!
I know from my own experience that this sucks. After a nice shower all you want to do is be able to walk into your room, but no, you can’t because your roommate locked you out. She saw me go into the shower, so why did she lock the door!?!? You have to proceed to walk downstairs in your towel to get a 15 minute key. Everyone is looking at you and wondering why. Don’t forget that after you unlock your door you have to return that 15 minute key. My advice to you, is to always bring your key into the shower with you. You won’t though because I still haven’t learned my lesson after being locked out multiple times.
I can’t keep track of how many times I’ve been written up, but it’s been a lot of times. If you have cool people on your floor you probably won’t even get written up, but the people across the hall from me hate my roommate and me. They find every reason to get us in trouble. We got a note saying “Congratulations on being the first 12-year-olds admitted to Michigan State University.” Sorry we actually go out and like to have fun!
I know this seems crazy, but I’m a germaphobe and when people touch my bed I think it’s gross. I don’t know where their hands have been. Also, they’re probably in their street clothes and those clothes have touched the chair in the lecture hall and the seat on the bus. Ewwww, I don’t want those germs on my bed. It’s already easy enough to get sick in college. The best purchase I’ve made thus far in life is my pillow that says, “don’t touch my bed or I’ll kill you.”
If you hate the sound of someone throwing up I suggest you don’t use the communal bathroom after a tailgate or a night out because someone will probably be throwing up. I have a fear of throw up and if I hear it I will throw up myself. Chances are they will leave some remnants for you, so don’t go into that same stall until the bathrooms are cleaned.
Fire drills in the middle of winter when you’re in only your towel are awful. It’s cold and your hair is basically freezing standing outside. Honestly, if I were you I’d just hideout in my dorm if you ever hear the fire alarm. It’s definitely worth it. If its a real fire I don’t know what to tell you. I haven’t been in that situation yet. Let’s hope neither of us will have to go there.
The trash will be overflowing and you’ll just continue to make it taller and taller. After taking it out 5 times in a row you’d think your roommate would get the picture that she should take it out, but no! You’ll have to take it out for the 6th time. I’ve taken the trash out probably a total of 5 times before coming to college (I know that’s embarrassing.) So, this whole taking the trash out thing is a new thing to me. Still, when I go home you’d think I’d notice that I should take the trash out or put the trashcans in, but my mom is still one step ahead of me!
When I got back from a weekend getaway, all my food was gone. It wasn’t cheap food either! It was food from Whole Foods that breaks my bank account. My gluten free pretzels were gone and there was a smidgen of hummus left. So where’d it all go? My drunk friends probably ate it all.
All I have to say is: EW. Come on people, flush after you use the toilet. Is it really that hard? Do you really want people to see your excretion all over the bathroom toilet? It’s rude and you should have proper etiquette when you’re sharing a bathroom with everyone on your floor.
Again, this makes me upset because I’m a germaphobe. Can you give me an extra minute to come grab my laundry? I don’t know if this person washed their hands before touching my laundry, but chances are they didn’t. Also, the chair or table they put my laundry on is definitely dirty. I guess I’ll just have to rewash everything!!
*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.
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