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The Vero App Has Everyone Freaking The F*ck Out

The Vero App Has Everyone Freaking The F*ck Out

The Vero app has taken social media by storm. However, what is the new app? And why is it so popular right now? Here's what we know about the new app in case you decide to be one of the first million users to download it for free!

We’ve all had the conversations about what social media is to come next, and this app has the potential to be it. If you haven’t already heard about it, The Vero App has taken the social media world by storm. The new app is a combination of all our favorites – Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and has some serious potential to be our new social media go-to. This is big since we haven’t had a new social media overhaul since Snapchat (and after the new update, who even likes that anymore). Therefore, we downloaded Vero to see what the hype is all about.

What Is The Vero App?

First and foremost, it’s everything. The app allows you to share all of your interests including music, books, movies, places, pictures, links – it’s all on there. In addition, Vero allows you to determine who sees your posts (AKA, your parents don’t have to see that drunk pic you took Saturday night). In fact, only a selected group of people can see your pictures if you really wanted. The privacy is there, the sharing of all your interests is there, and the best part? The algorithms and ads are gone too.

It’s an app with all that you can think of, and you don’t have to swipe between apps to have it all (which I know is a chore, in our day of age). Vero’s slogan is that it’s the “true social” meaning that it’s native to what social media began with, making connections between people and NOT all about the senseless ads.


So, What’s The Catch?

You may be thinking that the app sounds a little too good to be true, and honestly, it does. The truth is, without the ads someone’s got to pay and unfortunately that is the user. The good news? The first million users get Vero free for life *queue the freak out*.

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At this moment, Vero is one of the top trending apps on the app store and everyone is hustling to get it before it reaches its 1 million user mark. To be honest, I don’t even think Vero had an idea they had this coming for them.


As of Tuesday, Vero was still available for download in the app store – so hurry up and download it before it’s too late!

Are you ready to download the Vero app? Let us know in the comment section below!

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