
The Ultimate Review Of Netflix’s Love Season 3

Full disclosure, I have been a fan of Love since it came out. I might be biased because of my love for Gillan Jacobs, but that’s neither here nor there. Not to be one of those people, but I totally liked it first. I was super upset to learn that Season 3 would be the last, however such is life. I couldn’t wait for it to come out and have watched it twice all the way through so I am pretty much an expert. If you haven’t watched this show, do it. Here is the ultimate review of Netflix’s Love Season 3.

Season 1 and 2.

The first two seasons of Love were pretty dysfunctional. Mickey starts off as a recovering alcoholic and sex and love addict. Gus is a nerdy on set tutor for a hit tv show. They meet when Mickey is desperate for coffee and parliaments but left her wallet at home and Gus spots her. Gus and his girlfriend have just broken up so he is newly single. The show is RomCom with an indy film vibe about 20 somethings living in LA.

Rotten Tomatoes.

In regards to the Netflix’s Love Season 3, I will start by addressing my favorite source of all things cinematic and television related: Rotten Tomatoes. Love has an incredible 100% fresh rating among critics and an 86% from the audience. This is a high score for rotten tomatoes and only reinforces my belief that I have impeccable taste in television shows. Critic Fausto Ponce describes Love as a modern fairytale. Kathryn Lindsay of Refinery29 says, “The most irritating thing about Love might be also what makes it genius. Netflix’s Love Season 3 continues to make viewers a participant in this relationship, whether they like it or not.”

What works about the show?

Gus and Mickey’s relationship is entirely relatable. It explores a dichotomy that teeters between breaking your heart and making you believe in love. You are invested in their feelings, their personal journeys that tear them apart, and the love that brings them back to each other each time. Love took completely mundane and realistic scenarios, never grasping to grandiose measures, to hook the viewers. People see themselves in Gus, or Mickey, or virtually any character on the show because they are multifaceted and human. You’ve struggled like Mickey, been lost like Gus, been dependent like Randy and so on. Maybe your own relationship mirrors the relationship dynamics in the series. For example, we all know someone who has been in Bertie’s position, dating a sweet lovable dud and feeling trapped in their relationship. What makes Love so successful is its raw quality.

Netflix’s Love Season 3.

Season 3 is no exception to this. It is sweet, it is real, and it gives the audience an element of closure. To start out with we see Mickey and Gus getting along well. However, some things never change as Mickey is still clashing with Greg at the radio station and Gus is desperate for respect on the set of Wichita. A question that may have been on the minds of viewers throughout the first and second seasons is whether Gus only liked Mickey because she was damaged and he wanted to “fix” her. Season 3 is here to answer that question. The initial “will they, won’t they” draw seems to have subsided at the beginning of the season and their relationship is on solid ground.

Other notable things.

Chris and Randy get more airtime, Bertie finds her voice, and Arya’s character is developed in even more depth. As the season continues, we do see a hiccup in Gus and Mickey’s relationship. Starting with the wedding they attend where Gus’ ex-fiance, Sarah (Vanessa Bayer) is also a guest. Sarah gets too drunk and Gus brings her back to her hotel, leaving Mickey to wonder if Gus has some unresolved feelings for his ex. She is not only upset that Gus never told her about Sarah and how serious they were, but also that he decides to take her back to the hotel. This stays authentic to reality and typical issues that a couple might stumble over.

See Also

After this, Mickey is upset that Gus does not invite her home to North Dakota to meet his family (another realistic hurdle). Finally, Gus asks Mickey to come and she agrees to. Both of these “tiffs” pale in comparison to their biggest issue, which is Gus’ comment in front of his parents alluding to the fact that he did not want to have kids with Mickey. Understandably, Mickey is eager to leave but stays to avoid embarrassing Gus. At this point in the relationship, it seems like Gus is the one who is less mature than Mickey, but that’s just my opinion. However, in the last episode of the series, Mickey and Gus have everyone to Catalina Island to elope. While there are roadblocks it seems as though it wasn’t meant to be, the couple sneaks away from the group and secretly elopes.

Final verdict.

Yes, I am aware that they only had 12 episodes in the last season. However, Bertie’s concern that they are moving too quickly is legitimate. While I am glad that there was a feel-good happy ending, I do not agree with the choice that the couple eloped. Regardless, this show is definitely worth a watch and season 3, in my opinion, stayed true to the show’s sentiment. I am glad the Judd Apatow didn’t traumatize us all by ending the show with Mickey and Gus going their separate ways, I’m not sure I could emotionally handle that right now.

What did you think of Netflix’s Love season 3? Let us know in the comments below!
Featured image source: weheartit.com
Meghan Killian

Young "professional," Providence College grad, above average procrastinator, reality tv enthusiast, high profile contributing member of society.

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