The Ultimate Ranking Of The Best Upperclassmen Dorms At Hofstra University

Everyone thinks that their dorm is the best but is it really? How does your dorm rank? See below, do you think yours is ranked where it should be? Keep reading for the ultimate ranking of the best upperclassmen dorms at Hofstra University!
8. Colonial Square (C-Square)
Sorry, C-Square, you’re just way too far. You may be close to the fitness center but other than that, you’re a bit of a walk away. How do you ever get to class on time?
7. Estabrook
Based on the fact that when you ask anyone about Estabrook, they just shake their head…you can tell why Estabrook is 7th.
6. Nassau/Suffolk
Although it’s that weird cousin you put in the back of the room that no one wants to talk to, it has its perks. It’s super close to HofUSA and Dutch. Enough Said.
5. Enterprise
Even closer to Dutch and Hof, Enterprise has definitely got it going on. Although those fire alarms can get pretty annoying…
3/4. Alliance/Bill of Rights
They’re basically the same building. Both close to the student center. Both close to the Unispan. Both close to the Nethies and Stuy. Super far from Hof and Dutch.
2. Vander Poel
Oh, the Honors dorm. Not only is it close to Dutch and Hof but it is also has really nice facilities. They have board games and puzzles in the lounge and the overall atmosphere is different since only honors kids can live there. They also have hand dryers!
1. Constitution
Okay, so I may have a little bias here but Constitution is right in the middle of everything. It is exactly between HofUSA, Dutch and the Student Center. It’s easy to get to the intramural fields. The overall building is generally nice and the building itself doesn’t have a bad rep. It also transmits the signal for WRHU, Hofstra’s radio station. Can’t get much cooler than that.
What do you think the best upperclassmen dorms at Hofstra University are? Comment below and share the article!
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I'm a communications major from Wilmington, Delaware navigating life in Long Island at Hofstra University. I'm obsessed with animals and have three of my own. Yes, my hair is red. Yes, that is just like the Little Mermaid. Yes, I am Ariel the Little Mermaid.