The Ultimate Ranking Of Freshman Dorms At The University Of Louisville

Where you live your freshman year of college can have a big impact on your experience. Whether it be traditional or suite style, your dorm can make or break your first year away from home. Keep reading for the ultimate ranking of freshman dorms at The University of Louisville!
7. Miller Hall
Why Miller is chosen as the hall for orientation is a mystery to me. During my orientation I saw moths in the bathroom and felt a temporary funk. Even worse is the fact that, at one point, they had to evacuate residents due to extreme mold levels. While it may be close to the rest of campus, that’s where Miller’s list of pros ends. I have never heard someone say they enjoyed living there. If you have to go for a traditional dorm your freshman year, Miller is one I would NOT recommend.
6. Unitas Tower
When it comes to traditional dorms, Unitas ranks just above Miller. For starters, it’s a tower, so dorms go all the way up to the eleventh floor. If you are trying to get an elevator up to one of those floors, you’re going to be waiting for a while. Also, unless you’re a music or education major, the building is pretty far from nearly everywhere on campus. I have a couple of friends who live in Unitas, and they will be some of the first to tell you that you do not want to live there.
5. Threlkeld Hall
While Threlkled may not be quite as bad as the other traditional dorms, it’s definitely still not a first choice for anyone. Just like Miller, its location is one the only things it’s got going for itself. The rooms are very cramped and the community bathrooms can get gross. Another thing that sucks is the fact that there are four floors and no elevator, which can be especially annoying when you have laundry to do in the basement. During my visits to UofL, I was often told to avoid living in Threlkeld if I could.
4. Louisville Hall
Louisville Hall is much nicer than the traditional dorms, but ranks the lowest out of the suite style dorms at The University of Louisville. The location is decent, with the Ville Grille and Insomnia Cookies being just a couple of short walks away. The building itself, however, could use some improvements. Due to renovations, there are currently no kitchens, and unlike the other suite style dorms, there is no printer. Something nice about LH, though, is that four people not only share a bathroom, but also a general living space. While Louisville Hall may not be a first pick dorm, it’s definitely not the worst.
3. Community Park
Community Park isn’t a bad place to live. Most of my friends from high school live there and have little to no complaints. Just like Louisville Hall, only four people share a bathroom, and the dorm rooms are pretty spacious. The location is great, with the Student Rec Center right across the street and the Ville Grille not too far away. CP doesn’t rank higher just because the top two have a few more amenities.
2. Kurz Hall
I can tell you from personal experience that Kurz is a great place to live. As my friend who lives in Community Park says, “Kurz and CP are exactly the same, but everything about Kurz is slightly better.” One of Kurz’s biggest perks, aside from its suite style, is the courtyard complete with hammocks, grills, and a giant Connect 4. Also, it hosts many Living Learning themed communities that allow you to live with people who have similar majors and classes to you. The location puts you close to many food options. While I may be a bit biased, I would definitely recommend Kurz to anyone looking for somewhere to live their freshman year.
1. Bettie Johnson Hall
As my REACH ambassador said, Bettie isn’t even fair. There, they take it up a notch with nearly apartment style living. Each resident gets their own room along with a bathroom, kitchen, and living space to share with a roommate. You can’t compare any of the other dorms at The University of Louisville to it. If that’s not enough to sell you, they also have a killer courtyard and great location. Plus, many student athletes live there, so you never know when you might see a local celebrity.
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