The Ultimate Ranking Of Best Upperclassmen Dorms At Penn State University

It’s that time of year again. Students all over University Park are making the big decision about where they’re living next year. If you’re living on campus, you need to decide which housing option you’ll be setting your sights on. Follow this guide for the best ranking of the upperclassmen dorms at Penn State University!
8. East Halls
This is where you’ll find the coveted freshman experience and no upperclassmen are ever housed here unless they’re an RA. East Halls are the biggest set of residence halls in the country, encompassing a whole 15 buildings. The only benefits of the halls are the proximity to Beaver Stadium and the Creamery, but other than that they’re filled with constantly partying freshmen.
7. Pollock Halls
Pollock halls are nicely located, have a great buffet dining hall, but still have the second highest concentration of freshmen on campus. If your goal is to be as far away from the underclassmen as possible, this isn’t the hall for you. However, Pollock halls are unique in their set up and have a prime location in accordance to the HUB.
6. North Halls
With a location not really near anything in particular, North Halls are ideal for the secluded and quiet folk. If you want peace and quiet while you study, these are the dorms at Penn State University for you! Traditionally, they have the least amount of freshmen housed there, and some of the nicest rooms. Most suites are 2 or 4 person, but include nicer private living spaces and bathrooms.
5. West Halls
West Halls are beautiful, sporting brick buildings and spacious green walkways between each hall. The location on campus is relatively convenient when it comes to its proximity to academic buildings, the Library and the HUB. They are like North Halls in that they are peaceful, but the greatest perk is the dining hall. The best cookies on campus are located in Waring Commons and West residents are within less than a 3-minute walk.
4. South Halls
The best part about South Halls are their prime location in relation to the HUB, and downtown life. You may rarely take the CATA buses when living here. Additionally, South is home to another one of the best dining options on campus. There is a buffet and at least 5 other options that range from a basic grill to sushi. These halls have some of the nicest rooms and bathrooms, even if you don’t include the newly renovated buildings.
3. Nittany Apartments
Nittany Apartments are the perfect mix of having an off campus feel, but still going through the University for housing. Their location is just east of Pollock halls making them a decently located housing option. Living here, however, you’ll be walking as far to class as you would if you were living in East. In these apartments, there is a room per person permitted to live there with shared living spaces, bathrooms and a kitchen.
2. Renovated South Halls
These halls are different than just the regular South Halls. Renovated South is its own separate option on eLiving. They are some of the few halls on campus that are actually air conditioned. As cold as it gets in Happy Valley, the first few weeks of the Fall semester can come with brutal heat. Residents can be thankful for the perk in their building when most of the other on campus residents are constantly searching for a cool place to hang out.
1. Eastview Terrace
As an upperclassman, this is definitely the nicest place to live. If you want renovated rooms, your own personal bathroom and no risk of getting a roommate from hell, Eastview Terrace is the place for you. They are so much nicer than the more traditional dorms at Penn State University. These halls are single rooms, and specially reserved for upperclassmen for a reason.
Extra: Living Off Campus
Penn State doesn’t guarantee housing for upperclassmen, so it can sometimes be a stressor for students waiting for a contract offer during the year. Just as stressful and worth the process, is finding an apartment with three or more other friends. To most Penn Staters, this is the way to go for housing as an upperclassman.
In actuality, there is no true ranking of the places to live as an upperclassman in State College; it depends on the individual’s preferences. Some love the peacefulness of North and West Halls, others love South because of its closeness to the parties. No matter where you live, though, you’re still getting every aspect of the Penn State experience.