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The Ultimate Packing List For Your Summer Trip

The Ultimate Packing List For Your Summer Trip

The Ultimate Packing List For Your Summer Trip

This year I promised myself to go on at least five trips, majority spread throughout the upcoming summer months. Packing is always a struggle, as I am a chronic over packer and often find myself with ten additional full outfits I didn’t even wear. But this summer I have narrowed down the essential packing list, the ultimate packing list for your summer trip if you will, perfect for all your summer excursion.

A Bathing Suit That Makes You Feel Gorgeous AF

A bathing suit should be an essential part of your packing list this summer. If you are hitting up the beach or any body of water this is an obvious item. However, bring one anyways even if you don’t plan on swimming. There could be last minute activities that will require a bathing suit and you don’t want to miss out on the potential fun.

Your Cutest Pair of Jeans

The summer months are hot but don’t forget a pair of jeans in your packing list. The temperature drops at night and in one of those dips you’re going to want to be wearing jeans to keep warm.


A Cross Body To Stay Hands Free

This is a must in your packing list and a staple in mine. A cross body is easy to stuff into a suitcase or carry on bag and it is extremely useful. Not only does a lightweight cross body carry all your products, cell phone and everyday needs but it is hands free, making it perfect for any summer activity.

Shirts To Rock in the Day

You need something to go with your bottoms during your day time activities. Make sure you have light airy t-shirts or tops to wear during the day on your packing list.

Bras, Underwear and Socks Oh My

The essentials should be on your packing list. They are pretty self-explanatory but equally important.


Bottoms That Make Your Butt Look Great

Whether you want to wear cute shorts, skirts or want to play it up with rompers, make sure you have packed some sort of bottoms.

Light Jacket For When The Breeze Hits

Regardless of how nice the weather seems on the app, remember that it changes as quick as you can blink. Make sure to pack a light jacket for those unexpected changes.

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Makeup/Toiletries…Because Duh

The good thing about summer is that you can go as light with your makeup as you want for a fresh summer look. This will save you room in your suitcase and leave room for more packing list essentials. Make sure you plan accordingly for where you are going. If you are staying at a hotel you can easily skip packing shampoo, soap and other basic toiletries as the hotel will most likely provide. This also lets you skip on packing a towel, a trick of mine to save room in the suitcase.

First Aid Kit For Survival Purposes

This item on your packing list can be personalized to fit you and your exact needs. If you have important medication, make sure that is in there. Also include the basics, the band-aids, the aspiring, the alcohol wipe, ect.

Phone Chargers

Let’s face it, we all love our phones so make sure you have backup phone chargers and portable ones so that you never run out of batter no matter where you are. Not only will you be fully charged and ready to take all those beautiful Instagram posts, #vacay, but also as a lifeline in case of an emergency.


This summer, make sure you have everything you need on your packing list. Writing down everything that you should pack is a great way to make sure that you don’t forget anything. What are you packing in your suitcase for your summer trips? Let us know what will always be on your packing list!

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