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The Ultimate List Of Men’s Style Tips That He Needs To Follow

The Ultimate List Of Men’s Style Tips That He Needs To Follow

Sometimes the men in our lives need a bit of help with their style. Here are a few men’s style tips that any man can easily incorporate into his wardrobe, and help him look more put together and always looking dapper. 

Wear a watch

A watch can instantly make any outfit look more put together and classier. It looks like you took an added minute in the morning to decide to add the watch to your outfit. It’s important you have a versatile watch that will go with your everyday outfits. Men should also own a watch for times when they’re attending something formal to go with a suit or tux. A good staple for everyday wear is a simple face, with a leather band. I personally like the look of a brown band, but any color leather could work: brown, black of even navy blue!


Invest in shoes that aren’t sneakers

A lot of guys can put thought and lots of energy into an outfit, but then ruin it by finishing it off with a pair of sneakers! This instantly makes the outfit oftentimes look more casual than it should be, or look like you ended up rushing and didn’t have time to complete it. For the summer, men should have a nice pair of boat shoes or similar style tennis shoes that are a bit more formal looking. For fall, an oxford shoe or slip on are great for those fall outfits. Winter calls for boots, and booties or duck boots can help style any look. All men should of course also own some dress shoes, in both black and brown, so they will always match whatever dress outfit they are wearing. 

Stick to classic shirts

By sticking to shirts that are classic styles, you are guaranteed to have more versatile outfits that can be swapped and coordinated with different looks for different occasions. Men should have a good variety of solid t-shirts. This can include normal crew neck and even a few v-necks. They should also own a couple different button ups, in both short sleeve and long sleeve. It’s best if these range in both solids and patterns. A patterned button up often looks good under a blazer or jacket, while solids look good alone. 


Own a suit

This is a pretty basic tip, but every man should own a properly fitting suit! Not the suit that you wore to prom. One that you picked out and preferably got tailored to fit you just right. You never know when you’ll need it, and when you do need it, you don’t want to be running around last minute to get one that fits you right. A good basic that everyone should have is a black suit. Some men also like to take it up a step, and can venture into a navy blue suit, or a grey suit, or even an olive green suit. Of course, be sure you have appropriate button up shirts, socks, shoes and a watch to go with the suit to complete the look. 

Stay away from light wash jeans

This is honestly something that I personally don’t think works great for guys. Especially those in their twenties who are trying to look casual but modern. Medium and dark wash jeans tend to be more flattering on men, and just work better for them. Men can be messy, and if something gets on darker wash jeans, they run a much better chance of getting a stain or something out of them, as opposed to a pair of lighter wash. 

Bonus men’s style tips: Stray away from jeans, and wear more pairs of khakis! Khakis, slacks, and similar style pants are a quick and easy way to make your look a bit more professional and put together. They can still be worn with a t-shirt or a button up, and they’re also just as comfortable (if not more comfortable) than jeans!

See Also

Clean your clothes regularly 

This may sound like a no-brainer, but it’s important that your clothes stay clean, because otherwise it will really show that they aren’t! It’s also important, though, not to over wash your clothes, because they may start to look too warn out too fast. Yes, you should be washing the t-shirts every time you wear them, but it may not be a bad idea to wear your jeans and sweaters two times, for example, before washing them. Some men also have the habit of going to sleep or laying in bed in whatever t-shirt they wore that day. It’s important that they don’t lounge around in clothes that they wear out of the house. That is another quick way to make your clothes look much more worn much faster. 


Don’t mix leather colors

When you are looking at your watch band, shoes and belt, it’s important for guys that these all relatively match each other. What this means, is you shouldn’t wear a black belt with brown shoes, for example. By having these leather pieces match, you are more likely to look classy and put together, and it’s overall a much cleaner look. Be sure to have these pieces in a couple different color leathers, so you are sure to always have things to match. 

Bonus men’s style tips: Watch Tan France on Queer Eye

Tan France, one of the Fab 5 on Queer Eye, is guaranteed to teach you something new about fashion every episode. From shoes to jackets to patterns, Tan knows it all. Watching him transform people’s closets on the show is inspiring, and he always presents it in a way that allows the audience and the person on the show to learn something. Jonathan Van Ness is also great at all things hair and beard, and you will be sure to learn a few tips and tricks from him as well. 

Which of these men’s style tips are you going to be adding to your wardrobe? Or, which men’s style tips will you be hinting at the men in your life to pay attention to? Let us know what men’s style tips you found to be helpful, and what pieces you’re adding to your look!

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