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The Ultimate List Of College Game Day Essentials

The Ultimate List Of College Game Day Essentials

The perfect college gameday doesn’t just appear out of thin air; It formulates and takes form with proper preparation, planning, and execution. If you’re looking to have an enjoyable and unforgettable college gameday experience, here’s the ultimate list of college gameday essentials:


Perhaps the most important thing for any college game day is the snack arrangement. With no snacks and drinks, a game day is never complete. Keep the chips and dip filled and the drinks flowing, and your guests will surely have an amazing time. Some ideas for snacks are Tostitos Hint of Lime, Original Potato Chips, Pretzels, Popcorn, Crackers and cheese, and if you really want to spice things up, make buffalo chicken dip, pigs in a blanket, or burger sliders. Don’t feel obligated to give your guests a five-star dining experience, but the key to a guest’s heart is keeping them constantly satisfied with snacks and drinks. It can be a lot of work, however, will be greatly appreciated by others.


Good Watch Setup

Games can be hard to find tickets for so you should always plan to at least have a backup spot to watch. Nobody likes to be crammed or jammed into a small watch space. Bars can be fun to watch games but can be difficult to get into around game time, however, nothing beats the comfort and freedom of watching a game at someone’s house. A good watch setup consists of proper seating and proper viewing for the game, or in other words: couches, comfy chairs, and a flat-screen television. It’s important to make sure that all guests are comfortable and feeling at home in order for an essential game day experience.


Even if your team is the clear underdog, keep an optimistic attitude because you’ll never have a good time with a bad attitude. The game day experience should be more about having a good time with the people around you and less about the actual game itself. At the end of the day it’s just a game and win or lose the result shouldn’t have a lasting effect on your day or life. Don’t get down if your team has a bad game. Hopefully, you’ll remember the day by all the fun you had preparing for game day.



How can you prep for game day without your go-to gear? Anything from a lucky towel to a tattered jersey can be something that is essential for your game day experience. Be proud to represent your team and deck yourself out in as much school spirit as you can find, however, you may want to take some precaution with wearing too much gear in enemy territory. 

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Traditions can date back to even before you were around but are still essential in the ultimate college game day. A tradition could be anything but is important in the preservation of history and continuation of that particular tradition. Traditions can be weird but are what sets your school’s fans apart from others and are something unique that you may be able to participate in. 



If you manage to score tickets to the big game, don’t get bored while you wait for kickoff. Bring games like Spikeball and Kan-Jam, or just bring a football or soccer ball to send around a circle. If you feel like you don’t need the extra entertainment just bring some anyway, it never hurts to have a little extra to do. 

What’s your favorite game day essential? Are there some that are more important than others? Comment below to let others know how you do gameday at your school! 

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