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The Ultimate Guide To Survive Doing Your Eyebrows At Home

The Ultimate Guide To Survive Doing Your Eyebrows At Home

Doing your eyebrows can be so nerve-racking. Are your brows getting a bit too furry and fluffy? Don’t have access to your current salon? Don’t stress, grooming your eyebrows at home is much easier than you would’ve thought. You’ll need a mirror, an eyebrow pencil, a regular pencil or thin wooden stick, a pair of tweezers, a spoolie ( a mascara wand-style brush), an eyebrow razor, and a pair of beauty scissors. With this guide, you have nothing to fear. Now let’s get to grooming!

Define Shape

Before you begin attacking those brows, like any process you’re going to need a good plan. Decide the shape that you want your eyebrows to be. Do you want them straight, arched, curved, or “S” shaped? Once you decide that you need to brush them into the preferred shape. This way you will be able to see the stray hairs that you will need to tweeze out. To find the shape of your brow, hold a pencil or wooden stick and line up the inner edge of your eyebrow with the end of your eye and nose. Using an eyebrow pencil, mark the highest point of your inner brow. That will be the start of your eyebrow shape. Then line the pencil from the outer edge of your nose to the outermost part of your eye. Make a dot using your eyebrow pencil where the stick meets the end of your brow. Lastly, line up your pencil or stick with the outside of your iris, and mark a dot at the highest point of your eyebrow. This will be your arch.



Now that you have the basic shape of your eyebrow set, it will be very clear where the unwanted hair will be that you need to tweeze away. Using your mirror and pair of tweezers, start plucking away at the eyebrow hairs that don’t fit within the desired eyebrow shape. To make this less painful, pluck in the same direction that your hair grows. It’s also important that you are very careful if you choose to tweeze the top of your brows. This can mess up your arch if done wrong, so some people tend to leave it alone and let the professionals take care of it.


If your eyebrow hair has grown too long and strays out from the desired shape, you’ll need to trim it up so they fit within your brows. Using your spoolie, brush your hairs up so you can target where the longer hairs of your brows are. Using your beauty scissors carefully trim the tops of the hairs that you have brushed upward. This will make your eyebrows look sharp and sleek. After trimming the top hairs, go ahead and use your spoolie to brush the hairs downwards now. Once again, you’ll want to trim the longer hairs off. Make sure you are being extremely careful as you trim! You don’t want to cut off too much and leave gaps within your brows. 


Clean Up

Now that you’ve shaped, tweezed, and trimmed, you’ll want to go back in and clean up any spots you might have missed. Check for any stray hairs you might have forgotten to tweeze and brush your hairs up and down to double-check that you’ve trimmed them all to the same length. Your eyebrows should now be looking much cleaner and neater than before. For the next step, you’ll need an eyebrow razor. This type of razor is different than a regular razor you would use to shave as it is much smaller and is much gentler as it is made to shave the fine hairs on your face. Using an eyebrow razor, angle it above your brows and shave downwards. Don’t go past the start of your eyebrow or you’ll risk shaving off all your hard work! Use your razor to repeat this step to the bottom of your brows. Make sure you keep the razor angled so you don’t cut yourself or your eyebrows. After completing this step, your brows will look professionally done!

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If you’re the type of person who likes to fill in your brows, you’re not done just yet! Start with combing your eyebrows up using the spoolie, and then from the arch to the tail comb downward. Comb your arch up as much as possible to define the shape of your brows. Using the eyebrow pencil from the first step, go directly under your brow, and underline it. Make sure as you are filling in, you’re creating very small strokes with the pencil. This will create a very natural look and nobody will know you’ve even filled them in! Once you’ve used small strokes to underline the whole bottom of your brow, you will use your spoolie to comb the pencil out and up through your brow. This will blend it all so they don’t look drawn on. From the arch to the tail of your brow, you’ll want to create the same small strokes with your pencil. Next, you can use the pencil to fill in the innermost part of your brow, all the way towards the center of your forehead. Make sure you don’t pencil in the middle of your brows, it will look way too fake!


Snap a Selfie

Congrats! You’ve finally tried doing your eyebrows at home. Soon your sisters will start begging you to do theirs too. Who knows? Maybe you’ll like the way you’ve done them better than any salon could. Doing your brows at home is sure to save you so much money in the end. Now that your look is complete, make sure to snap some selfies for your Instagram! You’re bound to get tons of compliments. Now that you know the steps, keep practicing. Soon enough you’ll have this skill mastered, you might even be able to do them with your eyes closed! But seriously, we’re just kidding, NEVER try that! You love your brows, don’t risk losing them!

Looks like you’re just about ready to open your own salon. Love your new brows? Let us know how it went in the comments below!

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