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The Ultimate Guide To Gift Giving 101

The Ultimate Guide To Gift Giving 101

Have you always struggled to get someone a present for their birthday? I think we’ve all been there at one point or another. I’m here to make your gift-giving the process a little less painful and a little more simple. Let’s jump right in!

1. Put Yourself In Their Shoes

When contemplating what to buy someone, always put yourself in their shoes. What would you want if you were them? What are their hobbies, likes, and dislikes?

Try to imagine a day in their life and what they could really benefit from having. This is a fun exercise and might help you get to know the person a little bit better!


2. Go Shopping With Them

If you can, sneak in a quick trip to the mall with the person you’re buying a gift for. Pay attention to the things they gravitate towards and what they shy away from. Pick up on little clues like what they are dying to buy but haven’t saved enough money to do so.

Be stealthy about it too so they don’t suspect you’re buying them a gift. And don’t but it that day, go back another day when they aren’t with you.


3. Remember Their Likes and Dislikes 

When you hang out with them, make note of things they do and say. Either make a mental note or start a note in your phone with some of their likes and dislikes. They will be so impressed when you actually remember what they said. It shows you care enough to really pay attention. 


4. Be Creative

Be creative with your gift-giving abilities! I believe in you. Everyone has a creative side, it just depends on if you’re willing to show it. Get them a custom gift box or basket of their absolute favorite things and interests.

Get them something they wouldn’t necessarily expect or see coming. Everyone loves a good surprise!


5. Surprise Them

Catch them off guard with a jaw-dropping presentation that makes them wonder what they did to deserve this. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to spend hundreds of dollars on their gift, just do something unique that will have them saying, “Woah! I did not expect that!” Giving them the gift in a public space like a restaurant or outdoor mall is a fun idea. Capture their reaction on video to show to them later if you can!

6. It’s The Thought That Counts

Remember, it’s the thought that counts… right? Well, your friend or boyfriend will appreciate even the thought put into their gift. The fact that you took the time to research and investigate what they truly like is enough in itself.


Clearly, you care about this person and want them to have a special day. Even if you don’t hit the nail right on the head, they will appreciate your effort. 

7. Add A Thoughtful Card

Don’t forget to top off your gift with a thoughtful card to remind them how much you appreciated them as a person. Write a heartfelt message full of love and emotion so they know how much you care. You can make your card at home or purchase one at a grocery store.

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It’s up to you, but I personally like making them at home. Plus, it’s a fun project for when you are feeling creative. 


8. Wrapping Counts 

Don’t forget that wrapping counts too! If gift wrapping isn’t your strong suit, have your mom or roommate do it. You can always watch a YouTube tutorial on gift wrapping to give you a little boost.

Don’t just slap on some messy wrapping paper and a bow, put some time into wrapping so it shows how much you care. Presentation is everything. 


9. Gift-Giving: Follow Your Gut

Always, always, always… follow your gut! If it tells you to go for something because it screams them, do it! If you think they will like it, they probably will.

You are their friend so you should know them well. Don’t doubt your instincts here, you got this!


That’s a wrap! I hope you got some inspo on how to rule gift-giving. Let us know in the comments which of these ideas you will keep in mind the next time you buy someone a gift. Happy gift-giving!

Featured Image Source: @FIVE5_FA