The Ultimate Guide To Getting Started In The Kitchen

Learning to make food for yourself is a big step in life, especially if you have never cooked before. Eventually, you have to stop using microwavable ramen and mac-and-cheese and learn how to make meals. Having your own apartment and cooking your own food three times a day seems like a hassle at first, but here is the ultimate guide for getting started in the kitchen!
Have the Right Equipment
Make sure you have everything you need before you begin. For example, you want to have pots and pans, different kitchen knives, kitchen rags, an apron, a stove, or anything you need to actually cook.
Some other equipment is also necessary depending on what you do. This could include a blender, pressure cooker, rice cooker, or a spaghetti strainer. There are tons of different tools in the kitchen, so do the research on what you’ll need!
Use Recipes At First
If you don’t know anything about cooking, it doesn’t hurt to just look at a recipe. It also helps to look at multiple recipes and try out different ones. This helps you determine what you like best and what ingredients make a difference for you.
However, don’t get too comfortable relying on recipes. Eventually, you want to learn how to measure and cook based on your own taste. Recipes can take away from creativity, so only use them as a reference when you first start!
Watch Cooking Shows
Although many people watch cooking shows for the drama, they actually do teach you a lot about cooking.
Some of the most famous cooking shows are MasterChef, Kitchen Nightmares, or Hell’s Kitchen, which are all shows by Gordon Ramsay. However, besides these shows, there are general shows on the kitchen network that go over recipes and homecooked meals. You can watch those to get advice and visually learn from others.
In the Gordon Ramsay shows, it is very important to watch the cooks and to see the techniques they use as they cook. Pay close attention because some of those techniques will help you improve in the kitchen!
Make Basic Meals
Start off simple with basic meals. Learn how to make rice, cook meats, boil eggs and make pasta. After you learn the basics, become more advanced. Learn more advanced proteins, how to make fried rice, omelets, and pasta from scratch.
Basic meals are also very important because those are the ones you’ll master. You always need a quick meal before work or learn how to cook for others, and the basic meals that you learn first will be your go-to’s in those situations!
Expand As You Go
Learn from your mistakes, because it’s guaranteed you’ll make them. Use little tricks from recipes you have learned and try to expand your own palette. Try to taste all the little details in food so you know what you like!
After learning the basic meals, advance your cooking and take it to another level. Add some spices that you used in other recipes and enjoyed, or try to upscale your dish visually. Make your dish your own masterpiece!
Try to focus overall on what makes you the happiest when you eat a meal because that’s all that matters!