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The Top 5 Thrift Stores Around University Of Minnesota

The Top 5 Thrift Stores Around University Of Minnesota

There are great thrift stores around University Of Minnesota. Here is a list of some of the most popular thrift stores in Minnesota that are near thrift stores around University Of Minnesota. Here are the best thrift stores in Minneapolis.

Thrift shopping was not in my repertoire until the song Thrift Shop by Macklemore made it mainstream. Ever since that song came out, I became addicted to thrifting. Shopping to me is both entertainment and therapy. Thrift shopping is especially more fun with a group of friends and when i’m not particularly feeling good about myself, I go out and treat my self with some shopping. So when I moved out to Minneapolis, me and my sister went out to as many thrift stores as possible. Here is my top 5 thrift stores around University Of Minnesota.

1) Salvation Army

900 N 4th St, Minneapolis, MN 55401

This Salvation Army is definitely a gem in itself. My sister and I have given it the nickname of “The Underground Target” since the basement of this Salvation Army has  a lot of  items that are new donated items from Target. I am the biggest Target fan so when I saw all of the Target items, I was so giddy with joy. My greatest find was a pink chunky cardigan that I had seen at Target a couple days before I went to this store and it was $25 at Target and I got the exact same one at this Salvation Army for $7! There are also a lot of new items from the brand A New Day at Target. I strongly recommend this store! This is always the most popular thrift stores around University Of Minnesota.


2) Gina and Will

1324 5th St SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414

If you have been in dinkytown, you have definitely seen this store! It is between the Starbucks and Target. At first glance, it looks like a cute boutique but it is actually a branch off of Goodwill. All the clothing items are donated to Goodwill and the clothing is selected to be in this store so you are more likely to find very on trend items here! I have found a lot of great items but my favorite find is a green utility jacket from the brand Loft. I also found a great pair of Nike sweatpants that were maroon and gold! Make sure to take advantage of the coupon that came in the gopher planner this year!

3) Goodwill

2500 Cleveland Ave N, Roseville, MN 55113


4) Goodwill

1627 County B Rd W, Roseville, MN 55113

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Both of these Goodwill stores are in Roseville but they are actually closer than the other Goodwill in Minneapolis. I was shocked as to how big and clean these two stores are compared to the really small one in my hometown. In the second Goodwill I listed, I found the best thrifting find ever. I found a Michael Kors vest for only $5 and that vest looked brand new!


5) Turn Style Consignment

2393 Fairview Ave N, St Paul, MN 55113

This thrift store is was a bit too overpriced for me nor have I found clothing that I have been amazed about but their shoe department is what made me fall in love with this store. I found a brand new pair of Ralph Lauren brown riding boots for only $12 and they also had a wide array of other great shoes! They also have the entire store sorted by color scheme so if you are ever in need of a specific color and you are on a budget or do not want to spend too much money, hit up this store! This is one of my favorite thrift stores around University Of Minnesota.

Let us know what you think about thrift stores around University of Minnesota in the comments below!
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