
The Top 8 Places To Hook Up At Full Sail University

It seems that college is a time and place that a lot of people want to try hooking up. The places to do that, though, differ by each college. Here are eight of them where students try to hook up at Full Sail University.

1. The Library’s Entrance

An easy enough place to find on campus, Full Sail’s library is a convenient place to hang out with your boyfriend/girlfriend, whether within to without. Although, since it is a library, you are expected to talk quietly. That’s why I also included the area before the entrance. When finishing classes, this can serve as the location you can both meet up and hang around for a while before moving onto whatever else is part of your plans for the day. A great thing to do would be to check out a film you both enjoy and brining it home to either one of your apartments.

2. The Back lot

One Full Sail University more colorful locales, the backlot serves as the place where many of the student’s short films are produced. When it’s not being occupied, it’s a great place to socialize. From here, you can people watch as students walk or skateboard to their classrooms or their cars. Just be sure to bring along a cap or shades. Unless it’s cloudy, you can expect some glaring sun.

3. The Fishbowl

A social ground that serves as one of the ‘centers’ of the school, it’s where students often go to wait on others. Here, students come to do some last-minute touches on assignments, or wait for their friends to get out of some of their classes. Often, you’ll see tour groups go by, showcasing the school to future students. While you’re waiting for your significant other, you could have a snack or drink at the coffee bar. More than anything, this place serves as a meet-up point so that you can get together quickly and be on your way.

4. The Tree House

A coffeehouse on Full Sail University campus grounds, the Treehouse serves as a place where certain students can show off some of their musical products. This is the perfect place if you have something you want to show off and wow your significant other. Just make sure that whole thing doesn’t crash and burn. It would be a nightmare if your booed off stage.

5. Building 3 Patio

Right outside building 3 at Full Sail University, a short walk from the library even, sits a small patio where students can just sit around and chill out. Often, you’ll find students here eating lunches from either Wendy’s or McDonald’s before their classes start, or just after their classes have ended. While students working n group projects meet here all the time, you should be able to find a private corner with your significant other and just shoot the breeze with them.

See Also

6. Chili’s

If you plan on dining for the evening, or after class, you could just walk straight over to Chili’s for a nice meal! Not the fanciest place, I know, but it is literally a short walk from the school, as are the next two entries on this list. If you want to treat your date to a nice meal, that doesn’t cost less than $10, then you could take them here. A good gift? A gift card for Chili’s!

7. McDonald’s

Who doesn’t like going to McDonalds? A great place to get either a quick snack or some take out for whatever it is you have planned for the evening. Again, like the Fishbowl, this serves as obvious landmark to get together and move on. It also serves as a place to get some work done while you wait.

8. Wendy’s

This location could easily be switched with the former entry; all that separates the two is whether you want Chicken McNuggets or a Wendy’s Frosty. If you frequently get takeout, alternating between the two is a good way to keep things from getting boring.

All of these locales are perfectly suitable for hooking up, but I’m sure there are others I’ve left out. Have any recommendations or stories to tell from Full Sail University? Tell us about them below!

Featured Image: Weheartit
Jake Lyde

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