The Top 7 Game Shows To Watch On TV

Game shows are something everyone can find joy in. I’ve been watching far too many game shows over the past year. They are usually only half an hour long, which makes it easier to watch than most TV shows. Most of them are also funny without even trying to be, which is nice if you’re having a bad day or you just want a good laugh. My family watches game shows almost every night during the week as a way to unwind at the end of the day.
There are two different types of game shows. Some game shows test your knowledge. Those are the shows where you are always learning something, whether you intend to or you don’t. You can always learn facts that will impress people if you want to, or you can just become a know-it-all if you like things like that. There is also the type of game show that is just designed to be funny. Those are the shows I like the most because you are always going to laugh. These are the shows where contestants either don’t know the answer or they want to be funny so they go for an answer that is going to sound goofy but could actually be the right answer. Either type of game show is always good if you’re bored but you don’t have a lot of free time.
1. Jeopardy!
Game shows are always entertaining to watch, but one of the most entertaining is probably Jeopardy! You always learn something new when you watch it, but the questions are very confusing, making this game a little hard to win. My family watches this show every weeknight, even though none of us are particularly good at it. This game tests your knowledge in ways I never thought a game show would. It’s fun to watch because you never know who may win. After all, Final Jeopardy is always something that you would never expect. Even with the guest hosts now, it is still a fun game to watch and try to beat.
2. Wheel of Fortune
This game is another game my family watches every weeknight. This game is easier to play because you just need to guess the correct words. There are no trivia questions to answer, which makes it more fun to watch. Game shows that are based on guessing are always easier than game shows that rely on your knowledge. It is more fun when you can actually win the games than it is when you have no clue what the answer might be. You can still learn things from this game, even though it’s not a trivia game, because you might not know a certain phrase or you might not know how to spell a word. So this is still a good game show to watch.
3. Family Feud
Game shows are sometimes designed to just be funny. This is one of those games. The answers are funny, to begin with, but sometimes the families give answers that are even funnier than they need to be. We don’t watch this game show as often as the previous two, but we watch it when we want a good laugh. Steve Harvey is the host, and he makes this show even funnier than the contestants do. He makes fun of the answers they give, and his reaction when the answer is actually on the board is perfect. You can still learn a lot from this show, but the facts are usually stupid facts that you wouldn’t need to use anywhere else.
4. Cash Cab
My family loves Cash Cab. This is one of those game shows where you learn a lot from. You also discover that you knew a lot more than you thought you did when you answer these questions. This isn’t a current game show, so you have to watch reruns, but it is still a fantastic game show. Some of the questions seem really easy, but they aren’t. You have to think a little bit to figure out the answers. And the video bonuses at the end of each drive are even better than the questions during the round. You can learn a lot from watching this game show.
5. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
This game shows can be easy or it can be difficult. The good thing about this game show is that the contestant can drop out at certain points and still keep the money if the questions get too difficult. But a lot of the questions are ones that I’ve never heard of before, so they are a little confusing. Like most game shows, they make the questions sound more difficult than they really are, so you have to be careful of the wording. It can sometimes trip you up, but you do learn a lot from the questions that are asked.
6. Name That Tune
This is a fun game shows if you listen to a lot of music. Sometimes the songs are easy to pick out, but they are sometimes more confusing, especially if multiple songs start the same way. This isn’t a show where you can learn a lot unless you don’t listen to music regularly. This is a good game to waste some time watching because it isn’t very difficult. They play a couple of notes of a song and you have to try to guess which song they are playing based off of what you hear. A lot of songs have the same beginning, so it is kind of confusing, but it is easy.
7. America Says
This can be a fun game shows because the answers contestants give are sometimes weird and not at all right. You can learn a lot from this show or you can learn nothing at all, depending on how the game is going. I enjoy watching this show because it’s half an hour of pure entertainment, giving you some time to enjoy a little bit of the day. Some of the answers can be a little ridiculous, but that sometimes makes the game better to watch because of the entertainment factor that you don’t always get from other game shows.