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The To Go Breakfast Recipes That Are Quick And Simple

The To Go Breakfast Recipes That Are Quick And Simple


Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day, but it is actually the most skipped meal, because many people just don’t have the time. As we would rather have an extra twenty or thirty minutes in bed and starve ourselves until lunchtime in work. But skipping breakfast is a bad habit, as breakfast usually curbs appetite, as it sets you up for the day, causing you to eat less during the day, and people who eat breakfast tend to have a lot more energy. Here are some to go breakfast recipes that are quick and simple to make:


Probably one of the quickest to go breakfast recipes when you are on the go and you can literally throw anything in to a smoothie, such as your favourite fruit, nuts, granola or even coffee. Yes Coffee! A coffee and banana smoothie is actually one of the most popular morning smoothies, as it will you give you the energy kick you need for an early start.

The quickest way to make a coffee and banana smoothie is to throw everything in the blender including: coffee granules, sliced banana, almond or peanut butter, a tablespoon of honey, two teaspoons of rolled oats, ice cubes and any other toppings you wish to add. Then pour yourself a glass and maybe one for the road and you are set for the day ahead.


Smoothie Bowl

Another way to get some of your five-a-day out the way in the morning is with a smoothie bowl, although not as quick as a smoothie, but is still something you can eat on the go for to go breakfast recipes.

You can choose whatever you want to go in to a smoothie bowl but a healthy option would be a Kale smoothie bowl.

All you have to do is blend the kale leaves with almond or normal milk (whatever you choose), sliced banana, avocado, a tablespoon of agave and ice, and blend until it is smooth. After this pour it in to a bowl and add your any fruit or topping of your choice. And that’s it, you have the healthiest and prettiest way to eat breakfast.


Overnight Oats

Also called Bircher muesli, the perfect breakfast treat, which should be prepped the night before.

You can be imaginative as you like with overnight oats, but a popular and easy recipe is the Apple overnight oats, which are so easy to make.

Start by grating your favourite apple and tossing it in a bowl with oats, seeds, cinnamon, and any other added extra you love. Together. Stir in some greek yogurt and 100ml cold water or milk and cover and chill for several hours or overnight.


The next morning it will be ready to eat, and you can even add some extra toppings to give it some added flavour. You could even take it to work or college if you are not ready to eat straight away.

Avocado and Poached Egg on Toast

It may sound complicated but it is actually one of the quickest breakfast meals to whip up quick.

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Start by making the poached eggs by filling a large saucepan with water and higher the heat until it hits boiling point. Once boiling, reduce the heat simmering, then use a spoon to swirl the water and then crack two eggs in to the water and cook for 2 1/2 mins. You can also use different types of eggs such as: scrambled or fried.

While the eggs are cooking toast the bread and mash the avocado with some salt and pepper, lemon juice and chilli flakes. Then once the eggs are cooked pile everything on the toast and place the eggs on top. An amazing breakfast ticked off in under ten minutes!


Now they might not seem like the healthiest or quickest breakfast option, but you probably haven’t tried blended banana pancakes, which take less than five minutes are full of goodness.


Start by melting butter in a non-stick frying pan on medium heat. Then add banana, egg, flour, and baking powder to a blender for about twenty seconds. After its all blended pour three little circles on to the pan from the blender, and cook until they start to bubble, turn over for another thirty seconds. After the first batch are done you can use the rest of the mixture and maybe save them for later.

Eat your pancakes with whatever toppings you like, stay healthy or indulge it’s your choice!

Let us know what you think of these to go breakfast recipes in the comments below!

Featured Image: Weheartit