The Self Care Tips That You Need For Difficult Days

“Self care” is one of those vast umbrella terms that encompasses so many different things, and sometimes it can be difficult to figure out what to prioritise when you’re having a difficult day, be it mentally or physically. Here I’m going to be recommending my providing best tips for practising self care tips on those difficult days, to help you give yourself that little extra love.
1. Talk to someone
As I mentioned before, talking to someone and sharing your problems is one of the best forms of self care. sharing with someone helps them understand what you’re going through, and allows them more opportunity to help you. It also allows you to clear you brain of anything that’s bothering you or that you’re obsessing over, and sometimes doing that allows you to focus on the bigger picture, and realise that maybe the issue at hand isn’t so terrifyingly huge as it once seemed.
2. Easy, achievable goals
When you’re not feeling your best it can be really hard to get motivated to do anything, and attempting to do something big can leave you feeling worse off if you can’t accomplish it. I’d suggest making a small list of some easy and achievable goals to get yourself motivated, because the sense of accomplishment you’ll get for doing something as simple emptying the bins may help to get you going with other things. You could also break down your larger tasks into smaller ones, and focus on completing the small ones one at a time. These self care tips help the larger tasks seem less daunting and more achieveable.
3. Go for a walk
This one is one of my personal favourites. Sometimes when everything gets a bit too much it can help to get away from everything and just go on a small walk to clear your head. Sometimes being surrounded by nature and being ‘away’ from society can really help to calm you down.
4. Just breathe
Take a moment to focus on your breathing. Self care tips include taking deep, deliberate breathes helps to bring more oxygen to the brain and can help to wake you up slightly, or even feel more peaceful. Also focus on your body whilst you breathe, and see where you’re holding your tension. If your teeth are clenched or your shoulders are by your ears then concentrate on relaxing each area individually.
5. Have some space
Sometimes when everything gets too much the last thing you want to do is socialise or even be outside, and that’s okay. Make sure to take some time for yourself so you can re-charge. At the end of your day have an hour or so where you just focus on yourself – have a relaxing bath/shower, read a book and make some nice comfort food.
After all this it’s also important to remember that it’s okay to have bad days. It doesn’t make you weak, or a failure or anything like that. We’re all human and sometimes we forget that we need to love ourselves. Sometimes we just need to accept that things may not have gone well today, but we can always try again tomorrow.