
The Search For Real Love: Is It Becoming Extinct?

What is real love? To me, it is being with your soulmate. The person that through good and bad times, you both stay down for one another and your love only grows stronger and deeper each day. Sure, that all may sound a tad fairytale-ish, but who doesn’t want that one person in their life that they know loves them despite all their various flaws and puts up with their dumb bullshit?

Given how millennials today want to be a ‘savage’ though, is real love even possible to attain?

It seems men and now even women, are consumed with acting like feelings are for the weak and love should only be given to your mother and your money. I see it every single day on social media; people seem to no longer want nor believe in real love or are living in denial because they haven’t found the right one yet.

Now, I too am guilty of talking my shit about love and masking my feelings at times but, I am 100% an advocate for real love and want it for myself.

Waking up and loving the same person every day, is an exciting thought to me.

I want to create lifelong dope memories with someone, I want to argue and throw things, so we can then have bomb ass makeup sex. And most importantly, I want to build and grow with someone who believes in achieving their dreams and that nothing is impossible.

Still, I find that most people today seem to just not believe in that type of real love anymore and hysterically laugh at the ones who do.

And I just, for the life of me, can’t understand why. Real love is dope as fuck to have and something that everyone should experience at least once in their life. Yes, we experience real love from our family and friends but, that real love that comes from your significant other, is a whole different kind of real love magic.

See Also

Let’s stop dismissing the wondrous feeling that is real love. Let’s give life to it and its enchanting essence.


Kennisha Crawford

Kennisha is currently studying at Southern New Hampshire University to obtain her bachelors in Creative Writing. She is an avid lover of art and poetry. Her favorite word is "create" because she feels the word "represents the endless possibilities and marvelous creations the mind can conjure".

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