The Power Of A Goodnight Kiss

It’s not worth the steps down, then back up the stairs just to say Goodnight and I love you. Except I know it is. As I make my way down our wide wooden stairs, I locate Mom’s voice. I always kiss her goodnight first.
Night Mom.
Already!? Goodnight My Sweet. We make kissy sounds next to each other’s ears and share Love Yous. I do the same with Dad, except he makes a louder smooch sound. Next are my two younger brothers. Then up the stairs. To bed. Although breast cancer didn’t kill Mom, it brought me to understand she wouldn’t actually last forever. Today, at 23, I’m happy for the kissing time I have with her and the rest of my family. For staying alive, luck has a lot to do with it. Life’s too short. And a kiss is worth one thousand words.
A sob story would be justified in this context, but the greater message is the power of a goodnight kiss. In 2008, Mom’s mortality became a real thing in my eyes for the first time. We were lucky that Mom didn’t die. See, she’s special to us. To anyone else, however, she’s just lucky. Families lose special people, and we ought to be grateful for those that are able to touch us for the time they have. My kisses goodnight are Thank Yous. A thanksgiving for cheeks to kiss and a life to love aside from my own.
A Kiss Is Worth A Thousand Words
Which one of your decorative pillows has this stitched into it?
Just two of them. But they were gifts, ok!?
Bust through the door pissed as hell. Drop your keys and empty wallet on the table. Put your old coat on a chair, eat enough snacks to pose as a dinner, and don’t forget to kiss your loved one(s) g’night. Several messages lie behind a kiss; You’ll never know Dear how much I love you, I’m there for you. Making yourself vulnerable to kiss someone you love shows, rather than tells, that person you love them. If we’re not missin’ ’em, smooch ’em. Our long days, tough weeks and busy years are made worse when we are missing someone. For the reason that love makes us smile, a kiss will do the same. We have the unique opportunities to remind those in our lives that we love them. A kiss to end your night proves as a lasting reminder that each pair of cheeks (or lips) adds more meaning to your life.
Life’s Too Short
I think I remember fighting with my little brother… Wait… I remember fighting with my little brother. After these brawls, Mom would tell us, You never know what’s going to happen to someone you love. Now kiss your brother. She also would say something else like, You’ll always have each other. As wrong as it feels to kiss your sibling, it’s more wrong not to. We don’t know what’s going to happen next. I feel happy when I take advantage of the time I have now to kiss those I love.
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Hey, go ahead and try to kiss-goodnight those you love. You won’t regret it. And you just may make their night. Thanks for reading 🙂 Want some personal advice? Connect with me on Twitter and Instagram and reach out!