The Perfect Shot: What goes into the Perfect Instagram Photo

Nailing the perfect Instagram photo can be hard but having the right tools and apps can help you achieve The Perfect Shot, so let’s learn what goes into the perfect Instagram photo. here are the best ways to help you do so.
First and foremost
You want to have the best camera, but this can be tricky because professional cameras can cost hundreds and even thousands of dollars. So, an easy fix to this would be having the most up-to-date iPhone and using that iPhone’s camera to capture the perfect shot. Some people prefer to take pictures on the applications directly, but from personal experience, I believe the best way to capture the best Instagram shot would be directly through your iPhone’s camera. once you have the perfect shot you can then go into your camera roll and auto-enhance the picture which will help it look clearer and crisper, once that is done, I always recommend going into the brightness and saturation and adjusting that to your liking. After just some basic editing through the iPhone app, I very much recommend cropping and rotating the picture exactly how you like. something that I have found helpful on the phone’s camera app is taking the photo through the squared lens so that it fits perfectly on the Instagram app. Once you have this basic work done, you’re ready to move to the next step, and this is where it will start to get more fun.
Instagram iPhone cameraSecondly
Once you have the perfect shot from your camera, you’re ready to move to the next step the next step in creating the best Instagram photo is, downloading the app “FaceApp” is app is extremely helpful when wanting to go in more depth to edit your photos. Some people don’t like to edit their photos and that is OK but some of us love to do so, here you are able to use so many different effects and impressions, to changing your face size, to editing the smile on your face to changing your hairstyle completely or even adding a beard to your face. something that is even more interesting is that you’re able to edit your skin and even change the aging that is going on with your face as well. I think this is very helpful if you have blemishes or if you would like to cut your face size down or even if you would like to just make your lips look a little bit bigger this app can do it all. You are able to change the background and even adjust the saturation and contrasts a bit more in-depth than you are on the actual iPhone app. for example if I’m editing a selfie on this I normally start with the impressions, which is where you can change the mood or tone on your face, I then go to the sizes and smiles to see if I’m smiling correctly or if I want to adjust that, lastly I usually go into the skin portion of the app and create a matte finish on my face so it is not as shiny and Then I am sure to blur the Gray hairs that I have in my hair so that it looks darker brown color.
face appThrid
Another app that I find to be very useful when Creating the Perfect Shot is “FaceTune”, FaceTune Is really helpful when you’re talking about making sure everything looks right together, when I say this I mean if I am taking a full-body picture I want my body to look proportional to my face as well as everything else in the background or whatever’s going on in the photo, you are able to edit your body as well on this app which I find very helpful, for example, if your shirt is pulling on you in the picture and makes it look too tight you’re able to edit that so that your shirt does not look that way and everything looks alright together. another thing I really like about FaceTune is that you are able to edit your teeth, your smile is one of the first things that people look at when they look at you, and having pearly whites is definitely something I want to have. you are able to go really in-depth and click each tooth so that you are able to make sure that it is white it gives you an absolutely perfect-looking smile. another thing I find extremely helpful on this app is that you are able to exaggerate all of the details in the picture, for example, if I am wearing a Louis Vuitton bag in my picture, I am able to bring out the details of that bag and help it stand out in the picture which is the extremely helpful one wanting to show it online. This also helps if you have a brand deal with a brand, you are able to exaggerate what the item that you are advertising is and this will help you showcase whatever you are trying to promote in a clear way.
The last thing that helps you achieve the perfect Instagram shot would be, making sure that you yourself are comfortable with the photo and that it is something you want to represent yourself online. This is something that a lot of people don’t think about when posting a photo, they just want all of the likes and comments that they can get and they want to show off to people what they have, but at the end of the day, you yourself have to be comfortable in your own skin. If you post a photo that makes you feel uncomfortable, you’re not going to be able to stop thinking about it until you delete it, so I highly suggest making sure you yourself feel comfortable in your own skin before posting a photo that will make you upset or feel unlike yourself because we are all unique in our own ways.