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The Perfect Cake According To Your Zodiac Sign

The Perfect Cake According To Your Zodiac Sign

Cakes are one of our favorite dishes of all time! Any flavor or topping we all enjoy even a small piece of it. Remember your zodiac sign because we have given everyone a cake that fits their astrological path, figure yours out below!

1. Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries adore being in the spotlight that’s why you shouldn’t be surprised by these gravity-defying sugar rush cake. An explosion of our favorite gummy treats this cake is a bold rainbow of audacity and we bet it tastes more than delicious! If you are an Aries be sure to have a creation as challenging as this as your birthday cake.


2. Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus is a bull that enjoys relaxing and peaceful scenes. If you are a Taurus that adores succulent flavors and soothing aromas this marbled mousse cake with white, purple tones and a dash of gold will please not only your taste buds but also your sight!

3. Gemini (May 21-June 20)

As twins Geminis tend to want to accomplish lots of things in so much little time. With this cake, you have a visual representation of two different sides of the same coin, well more like the same cake. Plus, we have lots of elements at the same time, that’s how much a Gemini wants to pursuit!


4. Cancer (June 21-July 22)

With a simple color scheme and a delicate design, this cake matches a Cancer perfectly. Cancers are signs that have the ability to exist in-between emotional and material realms, they also pick energies super easy when they walk into a room, that’s why a simpler cake means more to a Cancer!


5. Leo (July 22-August 22)

Leo is a sign that needs no crown to know that it comes from royalty. Leo loves celebrating itself that’s why a cake featuring a lot of gold sparkly details is perfect for their parties! Add a ribbon and a big edible sugar flower and you have a showstopper cake!

6. Virgo (August 23-September 22)

There is no more practical sign than a Virgo! A perfectionist earth sign that will adore this simple but intricate cake with a design of a lavender wreath. Full of vibrant purple and a matching green this cake is a gorgeous gift to give to any of your Virgo friends!


7. Libra (September 23-October 22)

A Libra is fixated on balance and harmony that’s why we choose this amazingly beautiful and symmetrical cake in tones of blue and lilac. This cake is cut in the middle revealing a pretty rose garden made out of buttercream topped with delicate butterflies! This cake brings any Libra peace because of its perfect equilibrium!


8. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

There is no passionate sign as a Scorpio! Always full of power and an intricated way of thinking a red velvet cake shaped like a big rose with cream cheese frosting is a perfect match to this risky sign!

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9. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Ready for any spiritual adventure a Sagittarius likes risk within a limit. They are calm fire signs that’s why we chose a pale red cake with fresh strawberries and a drip of white chocolate. Be sure to add a sweet cake like this to your next celebration!

10. Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Delicately decorated cake with an ombre from yellow to white representing the ability of a Capricorn to navigate between the material and emotional realms. Imagine getting your Capricorn friend this beautiful work of art as a present for any special occasion, they are going to be a thrill!


11. Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

The last air sign in the zodiac deserves a cake as mystical as itself! This three-layer cake painted with abstract shades of turquoise, gold, and grey matched with starfish and crystal looking pebbles is a cake worth it of any Aquarius!


12. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Full of love to give a Pisces is a sign swimming constantly between fantasy and reality. A cake that creates the illusion of something being dropped but still looking beautifully place will be a good choice for your next birthday!

Hungry for cake yet? Let us know if the cake we chose matched your sign!

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