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The Most Important Things To Learn From Rom-Coms

The Most Important Things To Learn From Rom-Coms

Admit it or not, but we all have learned some life skills from Rom-Coms. With Netflix’s top releases like The Kissing Booth spilling the wisdom, no more waiting for the answers. The following are some of the things we can all learn from Rom-Coms. 

Never hide your SO from those closest to you.

Keeping a relationship secret may seem exciting at first, but in the end, it’s both strenuous and potentially harmful to your relationship with your SO and others. As demonstrated by the dramatic reveal that Elle Evans was dating her best friend’s brother in The Kissing Booth. If you are going to be with that person, then why the holdup. But, if you decide to keep it at a hush, you’re in for some trouble. Nevertheless, don’t worry, everyone will come to terms with things in the end. 

Your next beau will probably be someone you know.

If the person you’ve been spilling every detail about your new SO is also the first shoulder you cry on, then that could be your next boyfriend/girlfriend. But if that person has never left your side, playfully flirts, and isn’t in a relationship, the person will, most definitely, be your next partner.  As exemplified in Isn’t It Romantic, you can either know you love the person or realize it when it seems too late. The better option would be to jump the gun and give it a go before, but where’s the fun in that. Either way, add some karaoke and dance routine to release all that tension. 


Sometimes the person you like doesn’t like you back, and that’s okay.

He’s Just Not That Into You is a cinematic example of the phrase, some things are just not meant to be. And being with someone who doesn’t like you isn’t the best you can get, and even worse, it’s less than what you deserve. So, why be in a one-sided relationship where you and the other person are bringing out the worst in each other? It makes a great plot in movies, but in real life, it’s just a waste of time, effort, and emotions. You’ll find better, and a step towards better begins with being with someone who is into you. 

Never pretend to be someone you’re not.

Admiration for others is a thing to encourage, but imitation isn’t the best form of flattery. Trying to be them to get someone’s attention is a bad idea. As the Nichol’s sisters prove in 27 Dresses, no matter how great of an actor/actress you think you are, pretending to be someone else is tiring and unnecessary. Like love potions are doomed to fall in the wrong hands, the person you’ll attract will not be the one. Be yourself, and the right person will come. If not a SO, you’ll get a good friend out of it. 


Weddings can get crazy, but at the end, your soulmate is your bestie.

Bridezilla is a real condition, wedding fever seeps into the head and takes the bride hostage. Your friend is not your friend at the moment, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t need you by her side. If you’re lifelong besties as in Brides Wars but wish to be the star of your respective weddings, then do just that, be each other’s supporters. And it doesn’t have to be marriage, maybe it’s a new job, partner, purchase, etc. Any success is a success that you should share and be happy in. 

That person who seem’s to be not your type may be the one.

At times you’ll come across people who’ll challenge you, who seem to be your opposite, yet understands you like no one before. And just as in Long Shot, it may seem like there’s no way that person could be your person, but maybe in a different setting, you find that your type is not what you want. At other times, that person can truly just be a pain, but mostly they’re a nudge in the right direction.



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Drake’s latest hit single “Nice for What”, was an immediate smash and beloved by all of us women. This latest song of his is no exception and is already being declared as the Summer 18’ anthem for us women.

The person you’re looking for is yourself.

At times, looking for someone is a hidden pathway to finding yourself. We don’t always have guardian angels physically guiding the way, but you have your intelligence, personality, and experiences to suffice. Loneliness can be the hardest thing to encounter, but as in Last Christmas, you can get angry at what has happened and feel lost at times, but try to be the person you want to be and hope to find in others. 


Trying new things can open a new side of you for others to see.

Potential, greatness, a quirk, or strength you haven’t seen before, can all be mustered by stepping out of your comfort zone. See yourself in different lightings, and others will see you too. Be beautiful and brave as Gracie Hart in Miss Congeniality. Try new things, and arise to the challenge. While you’re at it, uplift others in your path and help them see their own worth. You may just save the world, or at least get some good memories out of it. 

Exes can and will come back to haunt you.

The past is not always in the past when relationships end without closure; those ties come to hunt you. It’s not always three past lovers as in Mamma Mia, but most likely a person, lie, secret, fear, and any unresolved issues that do. So, if, and when those things resurface, face it once and for all. What you think is shameful or is better to be left alone can lead to a success story.  


You can do anything you put your mind and heart into.

Part of being alive is risking having people judge you. Society chooses to classify you as just one thing, but as in Legally Blonde, you decide who you are and what you’ll amount to be. You are more than beautiful, more than nice, more than smart, you are all those things and more.

What’s the greatest lesson you’ve received by watching Rom-Coms? Share and comment!

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