It’s very important to have self-confidence throughout life! You have to believe that you’re capable of achieving any and everything whenever you put your mind to it. Self-confidence translates into your schoolwork, career, and relationships as well. However, does the concept of too much self-confidence exist? Some would label being overconfident as being arrogant but the morality behind such a dilemma is a topic for another day. No, we’re here to discuss the ramifications of confusing self-confidence for being egotistical.
Everyone on this beautiful spinning rock was created equally! No matter how much money and power someone amasses they’re still human. Influential people may leave lasting legacies long after they’re gone, but they’re still human just like you and me. My point is…having an ego leads you upon a spiritual path of believing that you’re superior to your fellow human beings. Maybe you have no problem with thinking you’re greater than your fellow man, but it’s my personal belief that we’re all attempting to navigate through the complicated game of life. Essentially, egos complicate something already confusing…..I hope all of that made as much sense as it did in my head…
If someone has a huge ego that they’re less likely to evolve mentally and spiritually. By having a huge ego, I mean that they think their way of thinking/behaving is flawless. These people go through life with an unwillingness to learn from their mistakes and adapt to their ever-changing environments. One must be confident in there who they are as a person, but you have to be open to constructive criticism. You have to be introspective about your actions and always seek self-improvement as you journey throughout life.
Often people who are the loudest in the room are the most insecure. This isn’t true for people who naturally have a larger than life personality, but people who boast and brag about how great they are, usually are overcompensating. This isn’t true for everyone of course, but constantly projecting your ego unto others is generally a turnoff. Nobody wants to be around someone who’s constantly proclaiming how great they are as a defense mechanism. While you may think that you’re throwing people off the trail of your insecurities, your ego is just making them evermore obvious.
Besides coming off as extremely annoying, there aren’t really positives to having an ego. Sure our favorite celebrities/characters may have egos, but here’s the thing, you’re not them. They may have these personas that we love but in reality, these people would be aggravating beyond belief. The ego is a very fragile thing and when you brag and boast about yours, you’re just making it easier for someone to push your buttons. Like I said earlier, egos disrupt the connections that you could be having amongst your fellow man (or woman) and there really aren’t any net positives to always pumping your chest out.
On top of everything I just said…having an ego is honestly too much work. To always seem more important than you actually are is very exhausting. Always strive to be the best at whatever you feel is important but have these aspirations for your own satisfaction. Don’t aspire to impress others because you’ll never be able to accomplish this task. Ultimately, your ego is the subconscious result of you striving to be something that you’re not. As humans, we tend to reject what makes us…well human. For this reason, we seek to cover up any flaws or weaknesses that may reflect negatively on ourselves. Embrace what makes you human and reframe from having an ego.
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