The Most Dangerous Countries To Visit

When people say they want to travel the world they usually mean they want to go to all the big vacation spots. Most people don’t want to visit war-torn countries or places where their life might be in danger. As you know, some countries are much safer than others. Here are some of the most dangerous countries to visit in 2019.
1. Afghanistan
Most of you will not be shocked that Afghanistan was ranked the most dangerous country in the world in 2019. The ongoing war, unstable political climate, and terrorism plague the entire country. There are countless land mines all over the region that have taken many innocent lives. There are many terrorist groups that wreak havoc in many of Afghanistan’s regions. The Taliban, Al Qaeda, and the Islamic Jihad Union all control different parts of the country.
The ongoing war between terrorist organizations and the United States is another reason why the country is a constant state of turmoil. Bombing happens so much in Afghanistan that it’s nearly just a part of everyday life for its citizens. The constant threat of a suicide bomber, drone strikes, and forgotten IEDs (improvised explosive device) should be more than enough of a reason to think twice before visiting Afghanistan.
2. Syria
If you have been keeping up with the news in the last year or so, it should be no surprise that Syria was ranked #2 on the most dangerous countries list. Much like Afghanistan, Syria is in the middle of a violent on-going war. The Syrian armed forces and Rebel groups are constantly at each other’s throats. Well over 250,000 people have lost their lives in this horrendous civil war.
Political unrest is also a big factor for the country being so dangerous. The main reason the civil war started was due to rebels wanting the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad out of power. As the war continued, many more countries including Russia, The U.S, and Iran have gotten involved. The US recently pulled troops outs of Syria, but the violent conflicts still continue. The jihadist group known as the Islamic State started to gain power in certain parts of the country. Both the Islamic State and the Syrian government have been accused of war crimes as well. The war does not look like it’s going to stop anytime soon so Syria might have a few more years of conflict before it starts to settle down.
3. South Sudan
Coming in at number 3 is South Sudan. South Sudan is actually the most dangerous country in Africa which is saying a lot. Like most countries on this list, South Sudan is in the middle of a horrible war. The civil war broke out in December 2013 and has taken its toll on the young country. Over 400,000 people have been killed since the war started and the number continues to rise every day.
The ongoing war has caused a rise in banditry and terrorism as well. It is not uncommon for bandits to raid civilian homes terrorizing its innocent citizens. 70% of South Sudan families cannot afford to feed their families causing many to break the law to survive. It is said that 6.3 million people are severely food insecure in South Sudan. On top of all this, many religious extremists do not take kindly to outsiders. If you are a different nationality or have different religious views than the locals, your life may be in grave danger. Many countries advise not visiting South Sudan for these obvious reasons.
4. Yemen
Yemen is yet another country suffering from political unrest and war. The armed conflict between Houthi rebels and supporters of the Yemen government has killed 6,872 civilians and more than 10,000 have been wounded since November 2018 according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). This number is estimated to be much higher since many civilians have not been found.
Yemen is also home to Al Qaeda. Some of Osama Bin Laden’s biggest supporters can be found in Yemen. Terrorist attacks from Al Qaeda along with the war keep Yemen’s civilians in a constant state of panic. Making things worse is the massive food and water shortage that now curses the country. Around half the population cannot afford food and many go long periods of time without fresh water. All these terrible factors cause the country to be in a continual unstable environment.
5. Iraq
Many people who grew up in the early 2000s remember the day when the United States entered Iraq to take out Saddam Hussein. Well, Saddam might be out of power, but Iraq remains an extremely dangerous place. A civil war broke out between ISIS and the Iraqi government when ISIS took over parts of the northern territories. ISIS was defeated in 2017 but the violence continued.
Terrorist are still a violent menace to Iraqi citizens. ISIS along with other terrorist groups constantly bomb cities and roads leaving thousands of innocent people dead. They are also known to kidnap both natives and foreigners alike in order to gain power. Many people believe that the foreign military presence in Iraq is to blame for the violence after the civil war.
6. Somalia
Somalia might be the most lawless country in the world at the moment. There is nearly no government and a police force does not exist (at least they don’t enforce anything). Bloodthirsty warlords run certain parts of the country and terrorist attacks are commonplace. Pirates also roam the country kidnapping, looting, and killing many innocent visitors and natives. The Somali pirates have been well documented in recent years, but they are still a big problem for Somalia and its surrounding countries.
Since the country has been in disarray for so many years, Somalia is now dealing with a famine. Food prices are extremely high causing many people to go days without eating. Water is also very scarce in Somalia. The lawlessness of the country has allowed many bandits and warlords to loot citizens with no consequences thus leaving resources in short supply. Most countries warn travels about the unstable state of Somalia with many travel agencies refusing to go there all together.