The Most Bizarre TV Shows That Actually Exist

Okay, so I did not grow up with cable tv, and until only recently have I had the pleasure of experiencing what that is like. As I scroll through the options on the guide, I am utterly shocked by some of the shows that actually exist. No, I’m not even talking about your average run of the mill reality shows that we all know and love. I am talking about completely strange shows that should not ever exist. I am really questioning who is in charge at stations like TLC. Without further ado, here are some of the weirdest and most bizarre tv shows that actually exist.
1. Dating Naked
My friend and I used to watch this in college because we thought it was absolutely hilarious. Who on the planet came up with this, but more importantly who agreed that it was a good idea? The premise of the shows is exactly how it seems, one bachelor or bachelorette dates two people while they are both naked. The show was on VH1 and was canceled after three seasons. I do not know who would even sign up for this show but they might want to see a therapist.
2. Naked and Afraid
Anytime people are voluntarily naked on television is insane to me, and apparently, VH1 isn’t the only station that loves pulling this card. Discovery Channel decided that it would be a good idea to throw strangers together in a desolate location and strip them of all the bare essentials. They don’t even really get a prize so I don’t understand the point of doing this. So this is one of the most bizarre TV shows.
3. Are You Hot?
This show was in pursuit of the “sexiest people in America.” I have a lot of issues with this show the number one issue is the contestants. Like, do people out there actually believe they are they sexiest human in America so much so that they felt the need to go on a show and get validation from judges? I feel better about myself already. The sole premise of the show was being rated on physical attraction. It only got one season. Shocking.
4. I Cloned My Pet
Super creepy. I understand the tragedy of losing a pet and wishing you could have them back, but spending lots of money and going to all lengths to create a new version sort of takes out the individuality of your original pet. Plus, why do I need to be subjected to other people’s bad decisions?
5. I Didn’t Know I was Pregnant
This is the epitome of a car crash you can’t look away from. I have been forever scarred by accidentally watching this one time at the young age of 17. Thank you, TLC, for this gem of a show. I have so many questions even though they explain the reasons someone might not know for NINE months that they’re pregnant. It just doesn’t make sense to me that you could be that out of touch with your body.
6. Best Funeral Ever
Nothing is off limits here in the world of reality television, so why not make money off of death! Best Funeral Ever is an “attempt” to “honor” the life of a loved one who has recently passed. This show was also aired on TLC, and, as IMBD describes it, “At Golden Gate Funeral Home in Dallas, tears are shed and parties are held. Amid mourning for loved ones are celebrations of life through services that reinvent the traditional funeral.” Definitely not something I would waste my time watching…
7. Hoarding: Buried Alive
I’m sure we’ve all heard of this show, but our excessive exposure to it does not make it freak me out any less. The show exposes hoarders and their lives while helping them to manage their condition. TLC calls it a docu-series, but I cannot imagine that there are people this nuts roaming around planet earth assimilating into society. Honestly, who came up with these bizarre TV shows?
^ that gif makes me puke in my mouth a little
8. My Strange Addiction
My strange addiction outlines the lives of, you guessed it, people with strange addictions. Another quality TLC show. If you want to watch people with weird compulsive behaviors like eating couches then this is the show for you. Happy TV watching.
What are some other bizarre TV shows you’ve heard of? Let us know in the comments below!
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Young "professional," Providence College grad, above average procrastinator, reality tv enthusiast, high profile contributing member of society.