The Little Tasks You Should Be Doing With All Your Extra Time

We all have little tasks that we will get to “later.” We add them to our to-do list and promise to get to them when we have time. Well, now we find ourselves having a lot of time on our hands being stuck at home for the foreseeable future. If you are itching for things to do with all this time, here are the little tasks that you can now check off of your to-do list.
Check your email
Sure, checking your email is a task most of us do every day. It’s easy to get intimated by the ridiculous amounts of emails that flood our inbox on a daily basis. Some of which we don’t even remember subscribing too. The little number that pops up on our phone telling us how many unread items are currently in our inbox can haunt us, so it’s time to fix that. Go through all your inboxes and decide what to delete and what to keep. Of course, respond to the ones that were sent directly to you and are urgent. Hopefully, by doing this, you can reduce the number of unread emails that are in your inbox. You don’t have to get it all the way down to zero, but feel free if you are so inclined.
Since we are on the topic of emails, how many of the emails you currently are receiving actually bring you joy? If you are receiving emails from subscription services but no longer care about what the subscription is for, do yourself a favor and opt-out. The same can be said for social media. People you don’t really talk to shouldn’t be taking up space on your feed, so go through your list of friends or accounts you follow and keep only what is necessary. This helps to make sure your time and energy go towards the people that bring joy to your life rather than harm. Sometimes the people or things that used to bring us happiness, no longer serve that purpose so continue to focus on what currently brings you joy in the present moment. You can even discover new people or accounts to follow if you find that they actually do bring joy to your life. It’s like spring cleaning, but with technology.
Free up storage on your phone
If your phone is nearing its capacity in terms of storage, it can benefit both you and your phone to delete what is taking up space if you are not using it. Open your phone’s settings and see the breakdown of what is taking up space on your phone by apps, messages, music among other things that could potentially be taking up more space than you might like. If you haven’t opened up a specific app or played the latest trendy game in a week or more, it’s time to say goodbye. Photos are also guilty of eating up a lot of your phone’s storage. Pictures that have already been posted or unnecessary screenshots that you don’t really need can be deleted to make way for what really matters to you. With more storage available, your phone will thank you by being able to perform better and faster.
Since you are going to be spending a lot more time at home, you can at least make it a pleasant environment to live in. If you feel like your space is in need of a refresh, take the time to move around some furniture in your living room or bedroom to make it feel like new. It’s amazing how simply rearranging the items can make everything feel like you are stepping into a brand new room. Feel free to consult an interior designer’s advice, or do what feels right to you. If you feel like you might need some help, don’t worry about making a large change to your room if the tasks seem too big for one person. Try making this one of your small tasks by changing something small and eventually build to a larger change. Move around one lamp or chair and it can change an entire room. While you are at it, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to vacuum and wipe down each room.
Now that we’ve touched on our digital lives, let’s focus on the physical. Our closets are where clothes can often get buried when they haven’t been worn in a long time. Now that we are home, try taking a little bit at a time when it comes to decluttering our closets. If it seems like an overwhelming task where the clothes can seem like a literal mountain, keep in mind that you don’t have to solve everything right away. This means that you don’t have to go through everything at one time. Set aside 15 to 30 minutes to go through your closet and decide what should be kept and what should not. Although local thrift stores might have changed their hours, you can always keep whatever you want to donate in a separate location than the clothes you still want to keep. You’ll find yourself having a closet with more space and hopefully more peace of mind.
Clean your car
If you feel like your car is deserving of a good decluttering, this is the time to do so. Chances are, you won’t be using your car as often as you are used to unless it is completely necessary like grocery shopping. This is great for saving money on gas, but also you get to really focus on the maintenance of your car. If there’s any wrappers or other litter that takes up the passenger seats, make sure you remove it all and clean thoroughly with a vacuum. Also take the time to wipe down the steering wheel, dashboard and other parts of the car that you frequently touch. This is one of those little tasks that you will be glad you did once you use your car more often.