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The Lesser Known Bands You Should Have On Your Playlist

The Lesser Known Bands You Should Have On Your Playlist

Sometimes, you just need some new bands to listen to and to flood your playlist. However, finding new music that you actually like can be difficult, and may take extra time that you just do not have. Luckily, I handpicked a few great bands that bring unique and enjoyable listening experiences. So, put your earbuds in and get the Spotify search bar ready to find some amazing bands which should be on your playlists!

All Time Low

This pop-punk band is really only known by people that listen to their genre of music. Although they formed over seventeen years ago, most people do not know who they are. They came out with a new album this past April called Wake Up Sunshine. One of the songs titled “Monsters” features a more known artist, Blackbear. This song is actually getting some mainstream attention. It is about time for this band to get the big break that they deserve. They have made great music over the past seventeen years with ten albums out. Once you hear one of their songs, you will want to listen to more. If you want to listen to something newer by them, I would recommend “Getaway Green”, it is one of those songs that is catchy and has a great beat and rhythm, it will get stuck in your head. If you want to listen to something older, try “Dear Maria Count Me In” or “Something’s Gotta Give”. You will not be disappointed when giving this band a try. 



This punk rock band formed not too long ago. The three brothers started this band in 2010, with their dad as their manager. They have played with some pretty well-known artists such as Jack White, The Offspring, and others. They have also played at some pretty popular festivals including SXSW, Riot Fest, and Coachella! I do not know how they have not been discovered by everyone yet, after I listened to “Marvel”, I was hooked. They have some pretty awesome covers of songs and some original songs. One of their music videos, for the song “Glore”, was even featured at the end of an Adult Swim show called Off The Air. 

Touché Amoré 

This post-hardcore band formed in 2007. They have 6 studio albums. Everything about their music is good, whether it is the beat, the rhythm, the words, or the meaning behind the words, it will make you listen. Their fourth album, Stage 4, is one I listened to all the way through. The name not only reflects that it is their fourth album, but it also is based on the fact that the lead singer’s mother was dying from cancer. I enjoyed listening to the album, but the first song on it is called “Flowers and You”, and I cannot listen to it anymore because it will make me cry. I have listened to some of their other stuff, even though it is heavier music, I still enjoyed it, you can tell they put heart into the music that they make.


Neck Deep

This band was brought to my attention by my girlfriend. She thought Neck Deep was a really well-known band, that is until she asked just about everyone she knew if they had heard of them and they all responded with “no”. They are a pop-punk band which formed in 2012, from Wales, United Kingdom. They have four albums to their group, which is a lot for only forming eight years ago. They have toured with Blink 182 before, which is a very well-known band. One of their most popular songs is a song by the title, “In Bloom”. It has actually won a couple of awards. This is one of those songs that you could listen to when you are in any kind of mood. 

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100 Gecs

For this group, you need to have an acquired taste to listen to them. They first became active in the music world in 2015 but their debut album only came out in 2019, it is titled “1000 Gecs”. However, they dropped a remix version of their album in July of 2020 The remix album has some bigger names including but not limited to Fall Out Boy and 3OH!3. My favorite song by them is “Hand Crushed by a Mallet” and “Ringtone”. My girlfriend who is not as big of a fan likes the remix version of “Hand Crushed by a Mallet” with Fall Out Boy on the song. Even though you may need to have an acquired taste to listen to them, they were my most unique listening experiences of 2020, and at the very least this album will offer you something brand new that you have never heard before, and likely never will be mimmicked.


This band is a British pop band which formed in 2003. They have been through a lot in the past seventeen years. They only have six albums, including one that came out in November of 2020 titled “Young Dumb Thrills” and features Blink 182’s Mark Hoppus on one of the songs. They changed their name in 2013 to McBusted, which added members from the group Busted. They stayed as McBusted until 2015 before returning as McFly. They have also won quite a few awards. One of the songs I enjoyed the most listening to their new album was the title track song “Young Dumb Thrills” which features RAT BOY. It is not only catchy, but it is definitely a song you will find yourself tapping along too. If you want to try an older song, I suggest Saturday Night, it kind of has the fifties feel to it with some modern pieces to it. 


These bands and groups are near and dear to me, no matter if I need a cry or if I need to rock out, these bands had something for me. I hope they find you the way they found me. Did I forget any really good bands? Or do you think I am stupid for putting 100 Gecs on this list? Let me know in the comments below!