Health & Fitness

The GoGirl Female Urination Device: A Review

If you’re a female, then you have done it; the squat. Whether it is to avoid contact with a rest-stop bathroom, or because you’re an hour away from anything resembling a toilet, you’ve had to assume the position. I don’t envy much about men, but I am beyond jealous of their ability to relieve themselves when and where they want with the simple movement of a zipper. So, when I heard of a device that allows females to pull off the “stand and pee” act, I was more than interested. I put GoGirl’s claim to the test and here is my honest review of the GoGirl female urination device.


Practice Before Use

I wouldn’t exactly call this a negative, more of a word of caution. The first place I took my GoGirl was on a backpacking trip for one of my college classes. I was excited to give it a whirl and was telling a classmate about it when the instructor happened to overhear. He advised that I wait to use it until I’ve “gave it a go in the shower”. He then explained that another girl brought one on a previous hike and didn’t get the fit just right. Let’s just say she was happy she had extra clothes.

I was disappointed and honestly tempted to still use it, but I held off until I was back in the safety of my shower… and I’m glad I did because it wasn’t perfect. The GoGirl does have a funnel shape that is meant to fit the female body, but everybody is a little different. So, it just takes a little practice to know how to position the device in order to avoid leaks.


No Full Moons

My favorite part of the GoGirl is that, once you get the fit right, you don’t have to bear the bum. Being a hiker, I often have the need to go when there is a shortness of bushes or big rocks, which leaves my bottom half exposed to any hiker, or group of hikers, who happen to wander down the trail. While it isn’t as discrete as guys have it, it’s a whole lot better than bug bites on your lady bits.

It’s Reusable

See Also

I try not to buy things that are single use. It’s bad for the environment and there’s nothing worse than carrying trash around for 2 hours in search of a bin. That is even more amplified if you are a backpacker. Pack it in, pack it out; that’s the rule. That being said, I love that the GoGirl is reusable. Just find a good all-natural disinfectant or water if you are in a pinch, and place it back in the storage baggie it comes with.

Final Verdict

Definitely worth the Money. While I do think there are a couple spots for improvement, the GoGirl female urination device is a huge step in the right direction and should probably be in every female hiker’s pack, even if it’s just for emergencies.

What do you think of this review of the GoGirl female urination device? Let us know in the comments below!
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Nancy Strahan

Hi, I am Nancy Strahan. I recently graduated with my BA in English Literature and am working to gain experience in the writing/content creation business. I was born and raised in Alaska and I love it here. I am pretty much an outdoor and adrenaline junkie, so if it is crazy or in nature, I'm there. So, naturally all things camping, backpacking, and adventure related are my favorite topics to write about.

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