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The Funniest Tinder Messages You’ll Ever Read

The Funniest Tinder Messages You’ll Ever Read

Those of us who have experienced the joys of Tinder have probably run into a few creeps here and there (or a few dozen). It’s nothing to be ashamed of, and in fact it can provide a pretty entertaining comic relief sometimes. It’s not to say that there aren’t some actual decent people on this app, but when you have a place where millions of people are looking for their next hook-up, things are bound to get a little weird. Without further ado, here are some the funniest Tinder messages you’ll ever read.

This guy’s going hungry.

The way to a girl’s heart – always food.

At least this one’s consistent.

So not smooth.

Got too excited that they actually had something in common.


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That’s a lot of work bro, how do you know she’s even worth it?

One of her wishes was probably that she didn’t take the time to read this.  And this guy was certainly not very secure about his unit if he is naming them.

Clearly doesn’t realize it’s 2015.

I think you’ll be the only naked one in this situation. Seriously what are you thinking.

Both parties deserve the witty award for this one don’t you think.

This was a short-lived relationship to say the least.

Yeah, this was actually pretty good.

If you have any of your own funny Tinder messages, tweet them to @SOCIETY19 and we’ll add them to our list!

other sources: 1. 2. 3. 4.