20 Of The Funniest Posts Found In The University of Florida Facebook And Overheard Groups

If I am being completely honest, college is hard. Sometimes classes, exams, and late night studying at Library West can get overwhelming! Other times we make our lives more difficult than it needs to be by procrastinating and watching Grey’s Anatomy all night instead of actually opening up our textbooks to study for the exam we may have the next day. Whether you need a break from your studying or you just want to procrastinate a little longer, here are some of the funniest posts found in the University of Florida Facebook groups that just might be what you need to brighten up your day with a little laughter. Seriously though…it is scary how relatable the following posts are!
1. When Your Roommate Would Rather Let Your Apartment Burn Down Than Help You.
2. When it Turns Out Life Has Other Plans For You.
3. Please Let Me Know if Anyone Finds the Answer to This Question!
4. Let’s Be Real…There are Only So Many Outfits a College Student Can Buy With a Limited Budget.
5. When You Just Don’t Understand Why Writing an Essay Has to Be So Hard!
6. Guilty…Guilty as Charged.
7. Giving Up is Becoming More and More Tempting Every Day.
8. At This Point Your Bed Has Become Your Best Friend.
9. There are No Words…Just Please Do Better If These Boxers Belong to You.
10. When the Truth Smacks You in the Face…Hard.
11. Here’s to All Those Nights and Early Mornings Spent Doing Work You Could Have Started Hours Ago!
12. When MyMathLab Has it Out For You.
13. This One is For Everyone Who Ends up Doing All the Work in a “Group” Project.
14. This Never Ending Struggle is Real.
15. Where is the Lie???
16. When You Have to Find Something Positive to Hold onto because Things Aren’t Going as Planned.
17. There Never Seems to be Enough Time in One Day.
18. Work Work Work Work Work Work…
19. When You Have Spent One Too Many Hours at Library West.
20. It’s All Going By So Fast!
Do you know of any posts to add to this list of the funniest posts found in the University of Florida Facebook groups? Comment below!
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I’m a University of Florida freshman pursuing a degree in Advertising who has an insatiable desire to make the world a better place! If I’m not taking pictures, I’m probably somewhere singing (off key) or dancing. I hope you like what I have to say!