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The F**kboy Culture At Emerson Is Real And Here’s Some Tips On How To Avoid It

The F**kboy Culture At Emerson Is Real And Here’s Some Tips On How To Avoid It

Although catcalling is almost a social norm at this point, it doesn't mean that it's okay. Here's an open letter to men who catcall, you need to know this information.

No, they aren’t walking around campus sagging their pants or obtrusively checking you out. They don’t wear frat tees or boat shoes and most of them won’t yell at you on the street unless they’re begging for a interview. But, don’t you worry, f*ckboys still exist at Emerson, they’re just a little more incognito. Instead of polos they wear Supreme and carry around cameras like it’s a necessity. Oh, and there’s a 75% chance they’re VMA majors. Emerson is 65% women, so it’s no wonder that f*ckboys are in abundance. They have no competition! Their egos are free to grow on all the attention they’re sure to get which is mostly do to their minority status and not based on looks or dateability.

I know I sound bitter, and I kind of am, but these are facts ladies! It’s rough to be treated with zero respect by a guy who lectures you about Paul Thomas Anderson and who’s half a foot shorter than you just to be dropped by said guy. And when you finally move on, another one casts your sworn enemy from down the hall in his short film and ends up dating her! It truly is the struggle. If you haven’t had a run in with an Emerson f*ckboy yet, I’m sure your time will come, and when it does you’ll want to be prepared. So here are some tips to do just that.

Be on the alert! They always seem nice at first.

As with most f*ckboys, it takes a little while for them to show their true colors. So, the trick is to spot the underlying games they play before you get in too deep. One way to do this is to be extra observant during your conversations. If he’s doing all the talking and not letting you get a word in, that should raise a red flag. He should want to hear about your day and all the cool projects you have going on just as much!


The way he dresses can be a sign, or it can be a red herring.

The way a boy dresses says a lot. Some, as stated before, wear Supreme and Yeezys and have that cool boy coiffed hair that screams “I’ll ruin your life.” And, clearly, some have their moms buy all their clothes for them. Just because they aren’t decked out in Adidas or wearing a beanie that doesn’t cover their ears, doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous.

Beware of the Emerson sports teams!

They may be D3, but they have egos bigger than some NFL players. Emerson sports guys are a totally different brand of Emerson f*ckboy, the type that won’t give you the time of day unless you also play a sport. It makes you want to get in their face and yell, “Just because this is an art school, doesn’t mean I’m a manic pixie dream girl!” Oh, and there have been some issues with sexual misconduct at some of the sports houses, if the rest doesn’t turn you off.

If he’s talking to you on social media, but ignores you in person run!!

From what I’ve noticed, Emerson guys have a tendency to reach out on social media instead of being a real human and starting a conversation in person. It starts with the follow on Instagram, the friending on Snapchat and if it gets that far before you get his actual phone number hit decline on that Facebook request. Oh, and if his profile is artsier than yours, well, good luck Charlie.

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When in doubt, ask around.

If you’re talking with a guy, and everything is peachy-keen but you still aren’t completely sure, asking around is a good way to determine his f*ckboy status. Emerson is a small school and for once that may be an advantage. Do it discreetly, you don’t want a future relationship to be possibly jeopardized, so only ask the people you feel like you can trust. While this can be informing, don’t let it definitively seal the deal. After all, talk sometimes really is just talk. The only way to really know his intentions is to be upfront and ask.

Last thoughts

Do Emerson f*ckboys exist? Yes. Are all Emerson men bad? No. I know this article was slightly scathing, but it is true that there are some good guys out there. And, while a guy might play games with you, he may be civil and sweet for someone else and sometimes that’s just how the cookie crumbles. It’s not a reflection on you, it usually means it just wasn’t meant to be. These tips are here to help you avoid a guy who may be out to hurt you, whether he knows it or not. The best way to protect yourself is to see it coming, communicate directly, know what you want and know what he wants. Good luck!

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