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The Different People You’ll Meet At Elon University

The Different People You’ll Meet At Elon University

Students from all over the world come to Elon University. While there is diversity, there are some typical people you would find at any college as well.

Every new place you go, you’re bound to meet all new types of people. Especially when you start college, people from all over come to live in the same place.  At Elon University, there are people from all over the country, and many countries all over the world. Even though most people you meet will say their from the Northeast.  Even with all of the different backgrounds, there are the stereotypical people that you will meet at Elon, some of which are listed below.

1. The “Brad”

Brad is the ride or die frat boy who thinks every Saturday is a holiday that needs celebrating because, well, it’s for the boys.  He will be the first to know where all the best pre-games and parties are happening on campus, and will never turn down a day-drink at the best off-campus house.  The best way to spot a Brad during the day is to look for the boys who wear quarter-zips and mid-calves with Sperry’s.  It’s the typical look of a “Brad” at Elon University.

2. The Musical Theater Major

In my orientation group alone, there were five of these.  Musical Theater majors will be super fun to hang out with one-on-one, but in a group, it only takes a few minutes for them to reference an inside joke or start singing songs from musicals that you have never heard of.  You’ll constantly see these people studying in between their singing and improv classes, because when else are they supposed to do their homework?


3. The True Sorority Girl

This girl is either the president of her chapter, or has high hopes of being filling that role one day.  Her sorority sisters are her best friends and will be her bridesmaids one day. She always talks about how going greek has changed her life.  Also, this girl likely has huge pearl earrings that she wears everyday and matches every preppy outfit she owns.

4. The Hot Mess Night Owl

You know exactly who I am talking about.  The girl who, on every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, is ready to party. Regardless of what time they have to get up the next day. Part of that is because she rarely does make it to her 8 a.m. classes.  This girl also manages to get good grades in all of her classes and no one knows how.

5. The Not-So-Varsity Athlete

This person is the guy that is always on that gym grind, and he makes sure everyone knows because he posts about it on his Snapchat story.  He preaches about how sports are his life, yet he got cut from the varsity baseball team in the fall. He also reps his high school sports apparel absolutely everywhere. That is how you spot the not-so-varsity athlete at Elon University.

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6. The Rare North Carolinian

95% of the people you meet at Elon University will either be from Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut, DC, or Virginia.  But, you will still meet those rare in-state students who are a different breed than most people.  These people most likely have different opinions and viewpoints on most things. This can span from which fast food places are the best to which presidential candidate should’ve won in 2016.  They will also be the ones who wear shorts when it’s 30 degrees outside, so they can be easy to spot during the winter time.

7. The Girl That Every Freshman Says They’re Going to be

Before coming into college, every girl claims that they’re going to avoid the freshman 15, go to the gym everyday, get enough sleep, and stay on top of all of their classes.  Two weeks into college, that plan completely falls apart.  However, there are the few girls who would be defined as “freshman goals.”  These girls somehow make it to the gym everyday, or at least go to the Zumba classes at the campus rec center.  Greenworld and Freshii are their go-to places to eat on campus, and they practically live in the library between and after classes.  Even after being so strict with their work and health routines, they still make time to go out on Fridays and Saturdays.  Is there anything these girls can’t do?

Let us know what you think about Elon University in the comments below!
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