The Cutest Date Ideas For The Fall You Have To Try

Fall is arguable one of the most romantic seasons. With a cool breeze in the air, people follow their natural instinct to get warm and cuddle up to one another. But cuddling and Netflix marathons can make you stir crazy real quick. We’ve got other cute date ideas for you to try. Don’t worry, none of them are apple picking or visiting a pumpkin patch. We know that’s so overdone.
Preserving Memories
One of the best things abut Fall is the nature. The leaves become bright and beautiful colors and the last of the summer flowers start fading. Take bae on a walk around your neighbourhood or the park and collect some leaves and flowers you like. Then press them in a book and once they’re flat, iron them in between sheets of wax paper. You can date them or write a short description of what you both did on that day. This is a lovely way to spend time together and celebrate the little things.
Now, We’re not big outdoorsy people but we do recognise that some of you might be! Lots of towns have hiking trails or small mountains. Seeing the beautiful leaves from what feels like the top of the world, is breathtaking. Pack a breakfast and plan to get there by sunrise for an amazing view. Not only do you get to see a beautiful sight but you’ll feel super accomplished from waking up at ungodly hours.
Drive-in Movie
This one is if you’re out of date ideas but still have a soft spot for Netflix and chilling. Take the Netflix outside to your local drive-in theatre! The best thing about drive-in movies is that you can bring anything that fits in your car. Bring blankets, pillows, or extra friends! Take it to the next level and bring pizza or chipotle to make it dinner and a show. No need to hide food in your purse this time.
Halloween Parties
Statistics show that STI testing increases tremendously the day after Halloween. We’re not surprised. There’s something about hiding behind a mask that allows you to reveal your true self and desires. Not to mention the copious amounts of alcohol and house parties on campus are as much to blame. The point is: there will be a lot of hooking up. Out of date ideas? Take your boo (pun intended) to a party this Halloween! Plan a couples costume and spend time putting it together. The statistics are in your favor. Just be sure to use protection or you’ll end up with a spooky surprise.
Haunted House
For all the spooky babes who need date ideas out there. Haunted houses are something we wait for all year long! It’s the perfect opportunity to grab someone you want to be close to and cling onto them for dear life. It’s a great way to get to know people too. By the end of the night, you’ll know what your date is afraid of the most or how they handle intensely scary situations. It’s great for having a laugh at the end as well. Take a group of friends or go on a double date because with haunted houses, the more the merrier!
Baking Class
One of the most popular foods around Fall time is pie. We’re not really sure why pie becomes so popular around this time of year. It could be thanksgiving or it could be that everyone gets their hands on fresh apples. Whatever the case, make a date out of it! Groupon has amazing discounts on coking classes. Take bae to a baking class and learn how to bake your favorite pies. Not only will you learn how to make something you love but you can also bring something new to Thanksgiving.
Let us know in the comments below which date idea you plan on doing with your significant other, this Fall!
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A lover of timeless fashion, treating hair like an accessory, and a filling meal. Using her articles to sprinkle a little more Black girl magic all over the internet. Usually seen wearing four different hairstyles in one week.