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The Comedy Movies That Were Not Funny

The Comedy Movies That Were Not Funny

Comedy movies are one of the best genres of movies you can watch. However, if you went into these movies expecting to get genuine belly laughs, you would have been severely disappointed. These comedy movies are the least funny, least entertaining, and at some points downright offensive comedy movies you can watch.

Master Of Disguise

Master of Disguise is one of the worst comedy movies I have ever had the displeasure of watching. Dana Carvey is a waiter who has to fight off a criminal with his ability to disguise himself. There is not much else to the plot, and it is apparent as this movie drones on. Dana Carvey is given little to do, leaving the only chances for a laugh stemming from his silliness, or through one of the nine separate fart jokes. Not to mention, the poorly dated snake charmer disguise which I will let you discover on your own. So check it out, and see why it ruined the careers of the people involved!


The Main Event

WWE is known for making some pretty questionable movies over the years, but the worst one of all is The Main Event.  In summary, a kid finds a mask which makes him a good wrestler. The Main Event is supposed to be a kid’s comedy, but even this children’s movie is one of the laziest movies I have ever seen. Literally, was WWE in need of a 90-minute advertisement for their own company or something? Because it is hard to believe this movie meant anything to anyone who was involved in the creation or viewing of The Main Event.

Theodore Rex

In a world where dinosaurs and humans co-exist, Whoopi Goldberg and a bad animatronic dinosaur must team up to stop a bad guy. Yeah, the plot is complicated, and the entire premise is too stupid to care about. Most of the jokes are one of two things. Either A, the dinosaur knocks something over with his tail. Or B, the dinosaur eats cookies and farts because he likes cookies. This movie was so bad, Whoopi would go on to rarely do comedy movies after this one. In fact, it was so bad that Whoopi Goldberg tried to back out, but they threatened her legally so she toughed it out. You can tell that she is really trying to make it work, but nothing could have saved that story.


The Cat In The Hat (2003)

This 2003 headache was a live-action adaptation of the original children’s tale of everyone’s favorite misbehaving cat. Too bad a strong miscast of Mike Myers as the cat would be only the beginning of the end for this movie. For starters, the entire movie has no faith in the original cat in the hat story and actually paints the Cat as a bad guy when you think about it. He feels bad about almost nothing he does throughout the entire film and ends up seeming like he only cares about himself. Not to mention the different stereotypes and dirty jokes throughout the film. Some of the jokes will make you wonder how this movie kept a PG rating, and thinking about it will be more fun than you could have to watch the damn movie.


Shallow Hal

So, if you like Jack Black and Gwenyth Paltrow and you want to keep your idea of them clean, skip this movie. Shallow Hal, I kid you not, is about a guy who gets hypnotized to see the inner beauty of someone as their outer beauty, and the entire premise is that he dates a fat girl, and thinks she is skinny. In the 20 years since this movie came out, this movie is easily one of the most offensive and fatphobic pieces of work you will ever see. Maybe one joke about weight is passable, but this movie is like one long statement about how much the creators think fat girls are gross. 

See Also
Whether you've never seen stand up comedy before or you've watched ever special there is on Netflix, these shows are guaranteed to make you laugh!


Old sports movies seem like the same formula over and over again, but the worst sports movie of them all is Ed. Starring Matt LeBlanc from Friends and a random monkey, this baseball movie is not intended for kids. In fact, you will quickly see how raunchy it gets. There are a lot of questionable things about this movie other than the lack of humor though. For one, there is a weird scene where a very young girl compliments a player’s butt and then calls him gay for not dating his mom. I mean, a sheer lack of laziness reeks from this film, and the poor attempts at humor leaves you bored the entirety of the movie.



You may have watched Norbit when you were younger, and you might have fond memories of it. Watch it again and tell me this movie is not absolute trash. For starters, the storyline is pretty weird and hard to understand at first. Then, the stereotypes are extremely harsh, such as the fat-shaming of Rasputia. Some of the jokes are so tasteless they may leave you outright offended at points. Lastly, there is a lack of likable characters, leaving lots of screen time going to characters we dislike. Blend that with the trash that they call CGI, and we got ourselves one bad movie.

Caddyshack 2

A sequel to one of the greatest comedy movies of all time… eight years later. This completely unnecessary movie was an obvious cash grab that wasn’t even done slightly right. The movie has absolutely no connection to the first film, and even though it boasts how “the shack is back” only one actor from the original returned, Chevy Chase. Every other new character seems like a dollar store replacement of an original Caddyshack character. The worst part of all however is that this film was stuck with a PG rating, meaning all of the adult humor we loved from the first one was gone and replaced with this cartoonish, lackluster, unfunny, shitshow of a sequel. Do not watch it.


I literally have a headache thinking about some of these movies. I just wonder if at any point during any of the movie productions, if anyone just out loud asked why they were making that garbage. Did I forget a really bad comedy movie? If so, make sure you tell me in the comments down below so I don’t accidentally watch it!