It is very important to make sure that you are stocked up on the best cleaning products you can get. Here are some of the cleaning products that you’ll want to have around your house!
I feel like Clorox wipes are always a cleaning product go to for almost everyone and it is definitely a must to have in your home. Clorox wipes are very easy to store and can last a very long time as long as you seal them properly, you don’t want them drying out! I really like using Clorox wipes to clean because they are so nice and easy. In simple terms, Clorox wipes are basically wet wipes that you can use to clean multiple surfaces in your home. I used them a lot in my dorm room, specifically when my roommate, or someone on my floor, or I was sick. You better believe I used those Clorox wipes on just about everything, door knob, bed posts, desks, and closets. Trust me you do not want to get sick in college, it is a big no go. Clorox wipes are one of the best cleaning products that you can keep in your home!
Having a good vacuum can really make or break your vacuuming experience, I mean personally I hate vacuum, but with a cordless vacuum, things are about 110 percent easier. I have one at my house and it is defiantly a must have in your home as well. Another thing that is great about this vacuum is that it works both really well on carpet and hard wood floor, making it easier to move around. Also, this vacuum comes with different attachments that you can change on the vacuum as well. these attachments are perfect to get into small spaces that need vacuuming. Specifically, I really like to use this cordless vacuum when I am cleaning and vacuuming out my car. This cleaning product is a must have in your home and very much worth your money.
The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is a must have cleaning product in your home. When it comes to this sponge I love to use these when I am cleaning my bathroom. This sponge is perfect to use to clean out your bathtub, it scrubs any stains or reside right up. I also use this sponge to clean the sink in my bathroom and sometimes my sink counters as well. I love that you can use this sponge multiple times for the same result, really giving you the bang for your buck. This product is a must have and I recommend keeping them handy in your home.
I feel like Windex is one of those cleaning products that almost every one has in their homes. If it wasn’t for windex them all of our windows in our homes would be gross and rather dirty. In my home I have both the spray windex and the windex wipes. I must say that I prefer the windex wipes because I think that they are much easier and convenient to use rather than the spray. Other than for cleaning the windows in my house, I like to use windex to clean my mirrors as well, it works wonders. I also like to use windex when I clean out my car as well, its great for cleaning windows, making it look like you’ve just gotten a car wash! Having windex is an essential cleaning product to have in your home!
Lysol wipes are a lot like Clorox wipes, it is another essential household cleaning product. These wipes are perfect for disinfecting surfaces, making sure to kill off any unwanted germs. Having disinfecting wipes during this time where we are all staying in to be healthy from coronavirus, Lysol wipes is a perfect household product. What I love about Lysol wipes is that they are so nicely scented, they leave behind a nice lemony scent. This product is the perfect cleaning product to have in your house!
The Swiffer duster is a great cleaning product to have a have in your home. If you have wood floors then a Swiffer duster is easier to use than vacuuming. This duster cleans up any dust that you can have on your floors, I also like to use this Swiffer on my tile floors in my home. This Swiffer duster is good at what is does and is a great product to have clean floors.
The Swiffer wet jet is a great essential cleaning product to have in your home. The wet jet is great to use after you use the Swiffer duster you can then use the wet jet on your floors. The wet jet works really well for wood floors and tile floors, leaving your floors nice and squeaky clean. I also really enjoy how easy the Swiffer wet jet is, you just add the cleaning pad and then once you are done you can throw it away and switch it the next time that you use it.
The pledge lemon enhancing polish is an essential cleaning product in your home if you have wood furniture in your home. This pledge polish comes in both as a spray and as wipes. In my home there is a lot of wood tables, so when we clean them we use this pledge polish to do so. Personally, I like to use the wipes more because it is easier than using a rag with the spray. This pledge polish makes my wooden furniture nice, clean, and shiny! This is an essential cleaning product for people with wood furniture.
A lot of people would say that scent plug ins are not a cleaning product but I believe that they are an essential one to help in your home. Having a room smelling good is an essential way to make your home feel nice and clean. A good scent is almost like the final touch to your cleaning process. When I want my room to smell good I use glade plug ins. These plug ins make the rooms in my house smell absolutely wonderful and welcoming! So, if you want your home smell amazing, then I recommend trying out the glade plug ins.
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