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The Best Ways To Spice Up Bedtime With Bae

The Best Ways To Spice Up Bedtime With Bae

Once you and bae get comfortable enough with each other, it’s pretty normal to reach a point in your relationship where things settle down a bit. The honeymoon phase is long behind you, and the sex has just turned into part of your routine. There’s nothing wrong with that – but why settle when there are so many things you can do that will spice up bedtime? With these tried-and-true tricks, you’ll get back to business in no time.

Be spontaneous

Nothing gets your blood flowing like something unexpected, and when you’re trying to spice up bedtime, you have to take as much adrenaline as you can get!

Spontaneity is one of the hottest things you can implement in the bedroom because it creates an element of surprise, making for the gold-standard of sex. And if you haven’t done it in while, spontaneous sex can be enough of a thrill to reignite that honeymoon phase where everything felt new and exciting. Leaving a party or family function early to get it on with your partner is super naughty and will jump start those flames you feel like are in need of rekindling!

Another benefit of spontaneous sex is that you almost have to be flexible. And I don’t mean back bending flexible, I mean you have to consider factors you probably don’t normally need to: noise levels, how tidy your hair is after, etc. Doing it on a whim is undoubtedly sexy, and gives you and your partner a fun little challenge that only you need to know about!

Hype it up

On the flip side, giving bae something to look forward to revs up the foreplay engines like nothing else and will also give their mind plenty of time to wander before the big event. And let’s face it: what guy doesn’t love receiving a horny text?

Sending each other sexy messages throughout the day is a great way to spice up bedtime wayy before bedtime itself, because then both you and your partner will have some expectations to fulfill. But a lot of people can’t see themselves sending racy texts either because they’re too shy or don’t know how. Luckily, it’s easier than you think, and once you do, you’ll never go back! It’s more likely than not that you and bae already have history, so really, what’s the difference between in-person dirty talk and messaging?

The second both of your heads hit the pillow, you know your night isn’t stopping there!

Kick things off with a bang…literally

Why wait till the end of the night? Prioritizing intimacy is a good way to kick things off and will definitely set the tone for a hot night in. By the time you’re done, you’ll have worked up an appetite and probably tired one another out, allowing you to enjoy a date night in bed for a change. Plus, you’ll probably recharge and want to squeeze in a second round before actually going to sleep.

Make a sexy playlist

There is nothing else that will spice up bedtime like a smokin’ playlist! Music offers a number of scientifically proven benefits, one of them being that it helps to keep your mind in the present. That means laser focus on bae, and also on what you’re feeling. Additionally, since sex is considered a form of exercise, listening to music can actually keep you from tiring out because it narrows your attention to the physical activity at hand.

And if you and your partner share memories over certain songs, putting those tunes on shuffle before bedtime will increase passion and arousal, making for a spicy, irresistible night together.

Spend the night at an AirBnb

Spending the night somewhere might sound like a super extra and costly way to spice up bedtime, but luckily, AirBnb is the poor man’s hotel! And chances are, all of your options will be cute AND affordable af.

See Also
This article discusses why I decided to quit having sex after I had embraced the college girl lifestyle for some time.

While the idea of staying in someone else’s home might sound….well, weird, it’s no different than a hotel – just more affordable and accessible. You’ll usually have access to your own kitchen and living room, and some even offer the amenities of a hotel. Spending the night at an AirBnb is also a great idea if you need a change of scenery because you have full control over where you stay. Whether you’re looking for something homey or sexy, you’ll definitely have options.

Experiment with positions

If you and bae feel like getting it on is getting old, a classic way to spice up bedtime is trying multiple new positions in one night! More than one position will inevitably boost both your pleasure and intimacy, making for a much stronger and steady climax.

Tip: Making a game out of your new strategies will make bedtime even spicier. Channeling your competitive side can increase your sex drive and need for skin on skin, allowing you and your partner bang as long as you can handle yourselves. And if we’re talking fair rules of competition, just because one of you gets tired doesn’t mean the other needs to stop what they’re doing…

Wear something hot AF

Unless you show up for bedtime in a full on onesie, it’s pretty hard not to look sexy in sleepwear. Surprising your boo with something lacy and easy will turn them on like a flashlight! Guys can not hold back from oversized button downs, which are the most effortless way to look sexy to bed. You really can’t go wrong with this one, so don’t be shy stealing one from his closet.

Another hot look that doesn’t require you to raid someone else’s wardrobe are booty shorts with a teeny cami or push up bra. It not only decreases time it takes to undress, but you’re basically asking your partner to take it off. This outfit literally screams, “We are having sex tonight” with little room for misinterpretation.

Which piece of advice spiced up bedtime for you and YOUR bae? Let us know in the comments!