Categories: Love Life

The Best Ways to Romance Each Zodiac Sign

Are you trying to romance someone who is very true to their zodiac sign? People are hard to read, and you don’t always know the best way to express your romantic feelings. Instead of floundering around and stressing yourself out, try to get that special someone’s attention based on their zodiac sign. 

1. Aries

The fiery Aries is passionate, driven, and loves to take the center stage. If you have feelings for an Aries, be prepared to devote yourself to them. They will put their time and energy into their partner, but they expect the same in return. They need to be the center of your universe. To romance them, try a grand gesture like singing their favorite love song in front of their coworkers, or get your friends involved and perform a choreographed dance that ends with you confessing your feelings. This is a high-risk move, but the payoff would be fantastic. They will be won over by your heroic move and feel like they’ve been swept off their feet. They need a lover who is brave and fearless, someone who can match their endless passion. Romancing an Aries will not be easy, and you may have to step out of your comfort zone, but if you really want to show them how you feel, this is the best way.

2. Taurus

Consistency and loyalty are the two qualities a Taurus looks for in a romantic partner. They are slow and old-fashioned, so you need to confess your feelings with a classy move that will give your Taurus time to consider the relationship. They do not adapt well to change, so they will not rush into anything romantic. To romance a Taurus, try writing them a note on nice paper with a good pen. Take your time, don’t scribble or cross anything out. Show them that you put effort and thought into your words, and they will be confident that you have thought it through as much as they will. Plus, telling them in a note that they can read on their own time will give them a chance to truly think about it and they won’t feel like they’ve been put on the spot. Include their favorite flower by pressing it in the folds of your note. This provides that perfect hopeless romantic vibe that will have them swooning.

3. Gemini

A Gemini will run from any predictable, run-of-the-mill romance. They often change their minds and have wildly different sides to their personality. To romance a Gemini, you need to focus on the courting stage of the relationship. They love the flirty and “will they or won’t they” vibe that builds into a playful adventure with someone. Don’t try to romance them with a Hollywood play or a quiet confession. They need spontaneity and passion. This will take some time, but spend a few weeks sending flirty messages, let them catch you staring and smiling at them, and make suggestive comments. If the Gemini is interested, they’ll play back. Then, take them out on a different kind of date. If they love hiking, surprise them with a picnic basket and hit up the trails. If they’re a bit of a daredevil, look for places to go zip lining, or go out to an arcade for laser tag. Just keep it interesting! Keep them on their toes! Have fun and keep flirting throughout the date. When the moment feels right, move in for that kiss. You don’t need words. Your actions will show how you feel, and the Gemini will be swept away in the heat of the moment.  

4. Cancer

Cancers can be tough to romance. They keep a tight circle of friends and don’t easily trust others with their secrets. You also have to impress the family, or you have to get along with their friends if they don’t have a family. A Cancer will refuse to date anyone who hasn’t been best-friend-approved. If you want to seriously confess your feelings to a Cancer, take the time to ask them about their friendships. See if you can hang out as a group a few times. Be yourself, but make sure you take the time to get to know who your Cancer hangs around with. Make an effort to seek out your own friendship with them. It might be awkward and a little tough, but if you’re serious about this Cancer, you have to do it. After you’ve been accepted into the friend circle, you can ask the Cancer out on a date. Cancers are emotional and sensitive, and they are also serious people when it comes to relationships. They’re not interested in casual flings. Show them you’re serious by taking them to a fancy restaurant, dressing up, and paying attention to only them. Don’t come across as insincere with endless flattery. Instead, learn what your Cancer is most insecure about them, and reassure them when the opportunity arises. Cancers need that positive reassurance in their relationships. 

5. Leo

Romancing a Leo is fun and not particularly difficult. The Leo loves to be showered with gifts, attention, dramatic gestures, and romantic poetry. Be 100% extra with confessing your feelings to the Leo. Read them a poem every day, buy them the sweater they keep talking about, bring them flowers at work, and make them the center of your universe. As long as you feel good about it and you want to do it, make them feel like royalty. Leos love attention, and you can keep them hooked and running for more with genuine attention. 

6. Virgo

The picky and critical Virgo has a hard time finding a lasting relationship. After a few dates, they normally call it off for one mistake and have impossibly high standards. Virgos are extremely difficult to romance, but if you really want to show them how you feel, you need to appeal to their practical side. The Virgo needs to know that you’re a reasonable choice for a partner and that you check all their boxes. Don’t change yourself and try to be someone you’re not, but show the Virgo that you don’t have to meet every impossible standard to be the one for them. Start by being upfront about your feelings. Not in an emotional, sappy way. Be rational, straightforward, and then ask them what they want to do for your first date. This kind of confidence and upfront attitude will make them think twice, for sure. Plus, you have given the Virgo the control they need by letting them pick how the first date will go. 

7. Libra

Libras look for equality and fairness in their romantic relationships, and they despise conflict. This makes them fair and compromising lovers. To romance a Libra, you’ll need to make sure you don’t talk over them or force your feelings on them. They want equal control in the relationship, which means you need to give them room to speak up. This can get tricky since they avoid conflict, sometimes to the point of sacrificing their own happiness. Make sure you’re gentle. When you tell them how you feel and ask to take them out on that first date, make sure you give them space to say no without it feeling like a confrontation. That kind of respect and acknowledgement of their feelings will make them feel safe, and they just might think you’re the one for them!

8. Scorpio

Scorpios are naturally suspicious and jealous, so to romance a Scorpio, you need to prove that they can trust you. As passionate and sexual as they are, they fear true intimacy. Be gentle with the Scorpio and be completely honest with them. Jealousy clings to the Scorpio, so make it clear that they are the only one for you. Make sure they know how much you appreciate them. Tell them how you feel in a sweet declaration, take them on a day trip to their favorite place or a place they’ve never been. They need to know they can trust you, so be open. If you get a phone call or text message while you’re spending time with them, don’t try to hide your screen. Openly speak or message with whomever so the Scorpio knows you wouldn’t hide anything from them. They need that kind of reassurance.

See Also

9. Sagittarius

Sagittarius craves adventure and new places. Romance the Sagittarius by surprising them with a road trip to a new location that includes lots of hiking, walking, and exploring! They don’t like to be tied down, so confessing your feelings shouldn’t be a happy-ending moment. Don’t make them feel as if you are committing yourself necessarily. You want to live in the moment with them and leave the future completely open to any possibility. This is wildly romantic to the Sagittarius, and you’ll prove to be their ideal partner.

10. Capricorn

Capricorns are goal-oriented, generally close with their family, and they mean business when it comes to romance. To romance a Capricorn, you need to show them that you fit into their life plan. Pay attention to their goals and dreams, and support them! Show them how you feel by buying them a gift that will help them achieve one of their smaller goals or work towards a larger goal. Because they’re so family-oriented, you also need to spend some time getting to know their family. Show the Capricorn you’re their future by organizing a party or group outing and inviting their closest family members to come along. And the best piece of advice for romancing a Capricorn? Make sure you think they could be the one! Don’t lead the Capricorn on!

11. Aquarius

The Aquarius is complicated and fiercely independent. They have idealistic visions for love and soulmates, but their need to be alone often conflicts with that. To romance an Aquarius, you need to focus on connecting with them on a mental level. They are not as concerned with the physical part of the relationship. They want to have an intellectual conversation with the person they love. Try to come up with a clever puzzle to give the Aquarius that will reveal how you feel about them when they solve it. This will satisfy their romantic side, and they will be mentally stimulated. You could make a crossword puzzle, hide clues in their favorite books that they have to follow, or order a custom puzzle that will confess your feelings when all the pieces are together. 

12. Pisces

Fantasy rules over the Pisces! They could be a character in a Victorian romance novel, swept away by the idea of romance. However, they fear commitment. To woo a Pisces, they need endless poetry, declarations of love, and magical dates. Be careful! You don’t want to lock them down or make them feel trapped in a relationship. Remember how they feel about commitment. Let them call the shots when it comes to advancing the relationship, but in the beginning, just enjoy the sweet romance between the two of you. 

Do you try any of those methods for romancing one of the signs? How did it work out? Let us know!

Featured image source:
Charissa Lynne

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