Categories: Horoscopes

The Best Ways to Handle Conflict with Each Zodiac Sign

Handling conflict with anyone is never easy, but if you know someone’s zodiac sign, it can be so much easier to understand how to respond to them during conflict. Whether it’s your roommate, your friend, your boss, or your parents, here are some guidelines on responding to different zodiac signs when conflict and trouble are making those relationships difficult. 

1. Aquarius

An Aquarius is probably best known for avoiding confrontation or expressing their emotions. This air sign usually hides how they’re feeling, or if they do share their feelings, they don’t truly express the depth of those emotions. They are usually introverted and tend to remain aloof from others. If you’re having a hard time with an Aquarius, then it’s best to approach the situation calmly and without a lot of emotion. If you address the problem like you’re having a conversation about the weather, this will make the Aquarius feel safer. As little emotion as possible makes it easier for them work out problems. Also keep in mind that it can be difficult to change an Aquarius’s mind about something. If you approach them rationally, calmly, and keep an open mind, they are more likely to be open with you and find a solution that will work best for both of you.

2. Pisces

If you want a loyal friend, then you need a Pisces. Because they’re a water sign, those with the Pisces sign express empathy and emotions easily. The Pisces greatest weakness is putting their friends and family before themselves. They will often sacrifice their own happiness or mental health to make those they care about happy and comfortable. You have to be careful of this! If you an issue with a Pisces, it is likely that they won’t express how they really feel or won’t express their needs. They will usually do their best to cater to you. While that might seem pretty great, letting the Pisces do this will only allow resentment to grow in your relationship. Put a stop to this! Talk to your Pisces friend and express your side of the conflict, but also ask them direct questions about how they feel and what they think. Don’t end the conversation until you’re confident that the Pisces has told you their perspective. Once everything is out on the table, you should be able to easily compromise on the conflict. Because the Pisces can empathize with others, they are more likely to look for solutions that make everyone happy.

3. Aries

Ah, Aries. This confident and extroverted fire sign can be difficult to worth with in a conflict. Their short tempers and impulsive natures might make them say something they will regret in an argument. They can also be stubborn, so they won’t usually want to compromise with you or find a solution. But there is a bright side! An Aries sign is direct and honest about how they feel. If there is a conflict, they are much more likely to approach you first, albeit a little aggressively. It is important to stand your ground and clearly state the problem. Whatever your beef with them, speak in short, declarative statements without a lot of fluff or emotional appeal. Focus on making yourself heard. Don’t let them talk over you, and assert yourself. Because the Aries sign has such a dominant personality, it’s important to not let them dominate the conversation. You will have more control and you can work with them to come to a reasonable solution. 

4. Taurus

Once you’ve made friends with a Taurus, they are not likely to let the relationship wither or fade. A Taurus is loyal and committed. In fact, their commitment to people, their beliefs, and their goals borders on stubbornness. As wonderful as this quality may seem, it quickly turns against you in conflict. To handle a Taurus, you need to be prepared to accept that you won’t get everything you want out of the situation. A Taurus is very often uncompromising. However, they are practical and reasonable. Instead of telling the Taurus that they’re wrong (they will not like that at all), try showing them the impracticality of their behavior. Spin the situation around so whatever conflict lies between you two will look like an unreasonable circumstance. Practicality and reason are your two greatest weapons for dealing with a Taurus. Use them wisely!

5. Gemini

Handling conflict with a Gemini is often unpredictable. This air sign is often incredibly indecisive. They may agree with you one day, and then disagree the next. At the same time, that quality is also beneficial for you. They have beautiful open minds, and they are willing to listen to you. Finding compromise with a Gemini can be exceptionally easy, especially if you approach the issue on a good day. Make sure your Gemini is in a good mood before you handle conflict with them. They may not agree with you, but they will listen to your side and do their best to understand. Just always make sure that your conversation about the problem pushes the relationship forward. Geminis always want to be on the move, and they become bored if the they feel like they can’t advance or grow from the conversation. Bring up the problem itself, but make sure you stay focused on what you can do in the future to avoid further conflict. 

6. Cancer

Oh sweet and sensitive Cancers. Handling conflict with a Cancer is not easy because they take things extremely personally. It is best to address issues with a Cancer with positive language and lots of reassurance. Also be prepared for some tears. Sometimes the Cancer just can’t help it. They are empathetic to an extreme point, and those emotions can’t stay bottled up. Don’t be put off by the waterworks, though. Just work with them and understand that they don’t want to cry either. Always, always, always tell the Cancer that just because you have an issue to address, it does not mean you feel differently about them! Cancers sometimes get caught up in the idea that no one likes them, so make sure you tell them how much you appreciate them and love them when handling conflict. While this seems stressful to deal with, keep in mind that Cancers are the best signs for resolving conflict. Because you need to reassure them, they will react positively, you’ll come to a compromise, and the conflict will actually make your relationship stronger.

7. Leo

Leos provide all the entertainment and sunshine in social gatherings. Their bright and exuberant personalities make them excellent companions for parties, a night out on the town, or fancy brunches on Sunday. Confidence makes the Leo appealing, difficult to resist, and charismatic. Handling conflict with a Leo can be quite the struggle because their confidence has the tendency to make them arrogant. Not always, but some Leos have an inflated sense of self, and they often think of themselves as superior to those around them. The best way to handle a Leo is to approach them with flattery and humor. Even if you’re very irritated with them and you want to yell, smile and make jokes while you express yourself. They don’t like to hear that they’re wrong (even if they know it), so make sure that you don’t have an accusatory tone. Stay light and breezy, and the conflict will blow over soon.

8. Virgo

A Virgo is methodical and analytical in their perspectives. They view everything through a sometimes judgmental magnifying glass that can make you feel bad about yourself. Just remember that a Virgo sometimes projects their own self-critical views onto others. If a Virgo points out your flaws, they generally have those same flaws and find it easier to criticize you than themselves. While this can be irritating, just know they are harder on themselves than they are on you. To handle conflict with a Virgo, keep the chaos and passion out of it. They have to be organized, and they do not like spontaneity. Approach the conflict by scheduling a time to meet with them. Ask them for coffee or ask them to come over for dinner and tell them you want to talk to them about a problem. While that would be terrifying for some signs, Virgos need to know what’s coming. When actually talking about the problem, remember they often obsess over details. Don’t let them get bogged down in that. Don’t go over the small parts of the problem or the conversation will never end. Keep them focused on the big picture and what they can do to compromise with you.

See Also

9. Libra

Avoiding conflict is the Libra’s life motto. They want nothing to do with confrontation and strive to keep the peace. Handling conflict with a Libra is almost a cross between your strategies for Aquarius and Pisces. They keep the peace and make everyone happy like a Pisces, but instead of doing it to put others before themselves, they do it to hide their emotions like Aquarius. This means they are often not honest with you if you have done something to wrong them. If you try to directly approach the conflict or problem, they will often find a way to get out of it or avoid it entirely. Be subtle and ease them into the conversation. Start off by engaging them in a topic they enjoy talking about. As you have this pleasant interaction, casually bring up that you’ve been troubled or disgruntled with them lately. Make it sound almost as if the conflict is already resolved and you’re just bringing them up to date on the issue. This will make the Libra feel safe, and they will be more likely to discuss the conflict with you and find a solution.

10. Scorpio

Jokes about Scorpios abound! People often kid about how it’s just best to avoid a Scorpio entirely. They keep a lot of secrets and never truly open up to anyone, and violence is often the answer for them. But don’t let that dissuade you! To handle conflict with a Scorpio, stay dedicated to the truth. They are very suspicious of others and generally pessimistic, so they can expect the worst out of people. Because they keep so many secrets, they assume others are also hiding things. Be open, honest, and don’t give a Scorpio a reason to distrust you. If they become upset while you’re trying to handle the conflict, suggest that you take a break and come back to it when they feel better. They experience emotion much differently than other water signs, and calming them down once they’re riled up is difficult. Be prepared to have several conversations about the conflict rather than just one or two. Be careful with your words and don’t let your anger speak for you! Once you have betrayed a Scorpio, there is nothing you can do to regain their trust.

11. Sagittarius

Sagittarius loves to travel and explore everything the world has to offer. Nothing is more important than their freedom, and they hate feeling trapped. A relationship of any kind with a Sagittarius is always rewarding because they encourage you to branch out and try new things. They constantly run for their horizon, and they would love to have you along for the ride. To handle conflict with them, don’t suffocate them. Give them room to express themselves and don’t try to tie them down. Don’t force your perspective onto them. Don’t search for compromise that will make them change their personality or give up something they love. They don’t like being told what to do, and they don’t want to feel like they’re giving up who they are to make you happy. Go ahead and accept that you might have to agree to a solution that benefits them a little bit more than it does you. Of course, don’t ever sacrifice your own health to make someone happy. Just keep in mind you might have to be a little more generous when resolving the conflict.

12. Capricorn

Capricorns are earth signs, and they stay grounded in their beliefs much more than Taurus or Virgo, the other earth signs. Trying to get a Capricorn see your side of things is nearly impossible. They don’t like people who differ too much from them, and they often respond to wildly different people by trying to impose their own beliefs on them. They also struggle with forgiveness and hold fierce grudges. They like to feel at peace, and they value honesty and intelligence in their relationships. To handle conflict with a Capricorn, try to frame the conflict as they would see it and work for a solution that will satisfy you but also fit into their perspective. If you disagree on something, don’t try to change their minds. Focus on finding a way to coexist with another. Handling conflict with a Capricorn is similar to Gemini. Start off with mentioning the problem, but stay focused on solutions that push you forward. Don’t get stuck in what has happened or the conflict itself.

Did you try these approaches to handling conflict? Share in the comments if they were successful!

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Charissa Lynne

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